Cawthorn says D.C rife with sexual perversion

I’m just hoping that incumbency doesn’t save Ken Paxton.


Classic play book. Accuse your colleagues of what you do.
The gall to do that is breath taking.

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Paxton wins by 6 points. Every Republican holding statewide office, including Paxton and Miller, will be reelected. This is Texas for at least another 20 years.


I realize that Paxton will win IF he makes the general election.

The whole key is to eliminate him in the Republican primary. The sum of the people that voted against him in the initial primary was greater than Paxton’s vote total. If all of the people that voted against him in the primary do so again in the runoff…then he will NOT be the Republican nominee, and we can put his embarrassing tenure in office to rest.

For Christ’s sake people…get out in the May Republican primary…and vote for my fellow Afghan War Vet George P. Bush!!! CAN PAXTON!!!

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Yea, they told him to shut his trap. He told A truth he wasn’t suppose to tell. Need to do something like the old playboy channel. Call it the D.C PolBoy channel. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Does anyone doubt that stuff goes on in Washington?

Depends on what you mean by “stuff” . Mass Friday night orgies and coke parties - probably not. Affairs and
substance abuse by some members - most likely.

On the former, in a world where everyone has a camera in the pocket, there is surveillance everywhere, I’m not convinced without hard evidence. Makes for good tabloid stories though if your into the type of
journalism. And always an alien abduction on page 66.

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I would think that it would be something a lobbyist would propose.

Not so if your participating in such events it’s tantamount to a criminal participant documenting his buddies robbing someone. Why would someone do that who participating in such events :thinking: He said he was proposition to participate in such shenanigans.

There are cab drivers, chauffeurs, security guards, wait staff, members own staff, etc that would know too. Keeping a big secret where there are many other observing eyes and ears, who are not participants , seems unlikely to me. But we are all free to believe what we want to believe in.

tantamount to a criminal participant documenting his buddies robbing someone.

Hmmm…seems like FB and other social media sites
have exactly this type of activity posted. Some of the
January 6th crowd even took selfies while ransacking the place

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I suspect some of the group sex / swinger stuff goes on. How prevalent it is, who knows. Washington runs on money and sex. Washington’s depravity is not a secret.

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Roger Stone would know. He and his wife are notorious swingers.

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Here an important question… Why should we care? Dude isn’t accusing anyone of anything that is or should be (in the doing bumps of coke department) illegal. If everything is between consenting adults why should I care about their swinging or coke fueled orgies? Cawthorn deserves stiches not just because he’s a gross human in general, but for being a snitch.


He has balls of stones. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Knew him in high school. Went on to be a bag man for CREEP. Got him street cred with the GOP


I have not heard a single human being of any stripe use the word Orgy since the early 1970s.

I have been looking for them to no avail.

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I’ll bet the next sex party location is not ADA compliant.


Always thought he doth protested too much…


He is trying to prove he should be reinvited to the GOP cocaine fueled orgies.