Census Results

Bryant unions are like big government socialism. It sounds good but it really is there to serve the union leaders. In the end it ends up hurting the “working man” because the working man ends up not working.

But unionism and leftist arise every generation because we forget how silly and counterproductive it is. But there is always someone willing to believe.

Yes all those weekends, health benefits, retirement, safety, and holidays were all through the generosity of management. Kind of loke how management always needs to take a paycut when times get tough but it still rains bonuses from the heavens. Folks also never seem to get it back.

But hey I get it you’re management.

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If only we would listen to each other and have actual discourse instead of speaking in reactionary sound bites and hyperbole. I could put this in both ongoing political threads (and they are, not sure why they’re still open).

Of course, this isn’t only happening on this board. It’s everywhere today.

Go up to the rust belt, tell people you have a great idea it is called a union. All you have to do is send part of your paycheck to the union and good things will happen. See if it is is a receptive audience. It should be since it is so wonderful to be in a union.

Go to Eastern Europe tell people you have a great idea it is called socialism. All you have to do is give up your freedoms and everyone will have the same, except for the leaders who will have a little bit more of the same. See if you have a receptive audience.

Quit living in a fairytale and go talk to the people who have lived it.

Wow that’s a lot of dishonesty in a couple of paragraphs. Yeah actually I bet if I went to the rust belt and waved a wand back to strong unions and manufacturing jobs they’d take it in a heartbeat. Because they know the union might be flawed but if you’re a front line workers you have a much better chance of getting a fair wage, good benefits, time off, etc. with the Union than trusting managements generosity.

By the way somehow we managed several decades to have strong unions and not fall into Eastern European socialism. We also had higher taxes and no communism so your overall theory is all ready disproven trash and your just parroting a right wing panic fantasy.

Bryant look at the population numbers in the midwest. They are leaving for jobs. The jobs left the midwest. They left the midwest for right to work states. The workers in the midwest were left with union dues and no jobs.

If Cuomo hadn’t killed all those nursing home folks, they might not have lost a seat in Congress


Only the ones that died before 4/1/2020. That said, they were less than 100 away not losing a seat.

So, yeah… COVID pushed them over the edge. I hadn’t thought about that. No other state was impacted like them that early.

Thank you 1985.

I appreciate it. If I answer any of these post not only would I be banned forever the bosses thugs would come get me.

I’ve been a part of both open and closed shops, and I know you’d agree there are definite improvements that unions could make. But as said before I’d rather take my chances with connective bargaining and union bosses than management.

But then you got some folks who visit Ludlow, CO and think… Man Rockefeller was really on to something

Has this really turned into a thread about Unions? Whatever they are now, there was a time when it protected workers (mostly immigrants or 1st generation Americas) from very dangerous work conditions. Also gave them someone to make sure they were getting a fair wage, would be allowed a day off during the week without losing their job, and as ridiculous as it seems were allowed to take bathroom breaks ( look up Ford’s strict assembly line demands).

If unions are celebrated in the rust belt, that’s because that is where 1800s American Industrial cities were dominant…not as many factories in the Sun Belt.

If it wasn’t for Unions, we might not have as many worker protection agencies today , i.e. OSHA.

Lol, true, or 86 fewer

Gas prices today
and you think Texas has high taxes? Do I need to bring more facts?
California and New York state citizens are leaving in droves. If it were not for the ocean and being the most beautiful state in America California would be bankrupt. Oh wait it already is. The most mismanaged states in America are losing citizens. Is that a coincidence?

As I said, gas prices in CA are higher than the balls on a giraffe!!!

All that good governance has to get paid for somehow. That is why I am all about California being blue. Become bluer I say. I hope they increase their gas tax to double what it is and create more regulations.

California needs to be the shining beacon on the hill for anyone who believes any perceived problem needs a big government solution. If you can think of a problem and you want layers of regulations paid for by taxes, I have the state for you. Heck don’t stop with regulations, create entire agencies to fix the problem. That will create job growth (for a little while anyways). They will be permanent jobs too because everyone knows government agencies don’t ever go away.

Everyone should be protected in California and all behavior should be accepted.

Be creative California. Texas is pulling for you to be all you can be. We want you to be on the cutting edge of this. I know you big gov leftist Californians don’t like Texans, but we love you (right where you are).

And yet the fact remains California’s population GREW by over 2 million between
2010 and 2020.

Don’t confuse apportionment with actual population.

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And the fact also remains that Texas grew by about TWICE that much.

California’s appeal is declining…Texas’ is growing!