Coaching carousel

He made a tourney a couple of years ago but his other 3 seasons there were mediocre to bad.

This feels a little Dana-esque to me.

Does he also have that hurricane prep thing going on?

Linder was an assistant on McCasland’s staff at Midland (Texas) Junior College from 2004-06.
He made $700K at Wyoming after an extension following his first four NCAA appearance three years ago.
After this last season, Wyoming lost six players to the transfer portal and four others to graduation.

 can you imagine a UH player, or any other player with even an average coach ftm, saying this?

Enjoy the cal era, Arkansas.

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Seems like the same thing goes on at Memphis.

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What’s not to love about $6 gas, $25 movie tickets and $35 for lunch, plenty of homeless and smog to boot.

Wut? You know they also have shitty fast food and chain restaurants just like Arkansas. So you can get the same crap food as Arkansas and not spend $35. As for movie ticket prices

But yes, gas prices suck.

How long will John Calipari last at Arkansas?

  • 1 - 2 years
  • 3 - 5 years
  • 6 - 8 years
  • 9+ years
0 voters

All the more reason to buy giant, gas-guzzling trucks and drive 80mph everywhere. Then beach about gas prices.

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As long as he’s successful, I think.

That’s my move - minus complaining about the gas prices lol. I’m in my mid 40’s and for the first time in my life I bought what I wanted lol.

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Price tracks with supply and demand, friend.

Assistant coach for byu

Will Voigt, just hired by BYU. Coached in the G League last yr


Americans LOVE redemption.

I took a flight one time and sat next to an oil and gas executive. I was told flat out oil and gas prices tend to be “self-adjusting”. Hmmmmm