Commentary: Basketball deserves top level attendance

# Commentary: Basketball deserves top level attendance

“We’re winning and people are taking pride in this team. It’s been great playing in front of this,” Sampson said. “What we’ve created with this building is a huge connection between our fans and this team, and you can tell it’s growing.”

Another aspect of attendance is making Houston an attractive target for conference expansion.

While football is the main sports attraction for college athletics, having good teams and strong attendance across multiple other sports will make Houston a must have school if conference expansion talks roll back around.

It’s amazing how a new building and a nationally competitive team excites the fan base.

Thank you Team, Coach Sampson and Tilman Fertitta.


Not looking forward to the backlash and finger pointing that will go on after the ECU game.

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Consider this: our worst attended game this season was two days before Christmas against literally the worst D1 team in basketball, and we still reported 77% full. We have come a very long way.


No, we reported 77% tickets sold. No one claimed us being near 50% capacity.

That was a Sunday. It was a 3pm game so there was no worry about getting home late on a work night. We were undefeated.

If the arena is half empty, it will be a disappointment to many.

Tomato tomahto. We got 77% of possible revenue for the game. A few years ago we might not have sold 1000 tickets for that.


Never mentioned revenue. Not concerned about the basketball budget because of one game. I’m concerned of how the team will take it when they see a half empty facility when they are the highest ranked Cougar team in over 30 years and have the best record in 50 years.

Why do you think ECU will beat us?

Was never even trying to imply that. But it could carry over and affect how they play on the road at Tulsa.

I think we will be OK if we win on Saturday. We should make a significant jump in the rankings, plus local media giving us some decent coverage

Jimmy, I know you follow attendance @ FC very closely. Have to remember program was in dumps for over 20+ yrs w maybe one decent team here n there, in a dilapidated arena. Coming off a very good not a great year in 2017/18. Honestly I was afraid it was going to be half or less than half full after initial gm or two. Hasn’t been case at all n I’ll leave w this; CKS Quote: “The game I’m most proud of is how many fans came to see us 2 days before Xmas, that’s when I knew we had arrived”. He went on to say he knew they didnt come bec it was Oregon or LSU, came to see the Coogs.
So you may not be pleased but I’m pretty sure CKS is very please w attendance this year being what he had to go through first four years. Lucky imo to get a Coach of that status to come into those conditions. I only expect attendance to get better as I don’t see the program going down a level but only rising in immediate future. #GoCoogs


You got me there then. I didn’t remember the exact quote but I thought it was the NJIT game in which he talked about the attendance being great.

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It was the NJIT game. CKS said that was his favorite crowd of the year, that it was obvious the crowd came to see UH, not the opponent


It very well could have been, but CKS might have got his days confused because in interview he says it was 2 days b4 Christmas and was commenting how many other things fans could have done besides coming to a basketball gm on Sun afternoon right before XMAS. The main point is I think he has to be pleased w attendance this year from where it was prev 4 years. Ex. Like if your a teacher and you have kid making pretty much D’s ea semester, goal would be how can we get this student to start making at least C’s n maybe at least one B next semester. I would give Coog fans a solid B or B+ this year. Only been to 4 gms at FC so far so maybe someone else might grade lower but overall I see much improvement !! :smiley:

Now that school is back in session, I will be disappointed if the students fail to fill their sections.


He mentioned that game at both of his radio shows. And the Tulsa game when the weather was bad…etc He’s a straight shooter and he seems genuinely pleased at the support.

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100% guarantee you that the student section will be packed tighter on Wednesday, regardless of the results tomorrow, than any other section in the arena.

You might need to track down the statement. Maybe he said 2 days before New Years or a few days after Christmas? I clearly remember the Choppin State attendance looking like 2016 and was pleasantly surprised how the empty seats were cut in half the very next game for another opponent no one knew.

Again he prob misspoke. It wouldn’t be a big deal if it was 2 day b4 NY, like he made it. Two to three weeks after the gm when he made comment , sure he got confused. I’ll say again overall I’m pretty sure he’s pleased w attendance this year from where they were.
I purch tik yesterday and am going Wed to help with your fan tally! :wink::grinning:

The ECU game will be the first time I’ve got both my UH buddies to attend at the same time. The irony being that it’s partly because a seat was still available next to the two I purchased in the 6 game mini plan a month ago and that they don’t follow the other teams enough to know that ECU kinda sucks.

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