
Which one are you pulling for??

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And it’s not only those two old topics . I was being lazy, it’s CRT,
replacement theory, war on Christmas, etc
all our students being
brainwashed. And when the lights go out tonight, a new evil jumps
out from under the bed. Heck even science these days scares people.

I once had a dental school floor faculty tell me “Just do whatever you have to, to graduate and once you are out then you’ll learn how to be a dentist”. This was a non political thing, he was referring to how the faculty that teach have no clue how things really happen. But I think its very good advice, do whatever you have to and get that “A”. You see that the dude speaking is a die hard _______ then write papers he would like. Then when you get out, be your own person.

I’m curious how this plays out
 OP is coming back. Does he want to bring it back to his chosen topic, try and wrap it all together, go on to the new rails? There are options

You bring up an excellent and brilliant point CoogDentist. IMO it starts at exactly this juncture. You were intellectually mature enough to form your own opinion but is it the case for most 18 years old? Shouldn’t it be the University’s duty to teach multiple points of views? By refusing to do so don’t we promote a dialogue made of insults instead of real dialogue? How do we benefit from it?

Lets have a maturity poll quiz, and any young adult 18,19,20, or 21 years old
must submit to the test to be eligible to vote

Chris, you have insulted many people on this board. You have both sent insults to me through private message and in the open forum. You are generally extremely hostile with people who don’t fall in line with your way of thinking.


Well if they get compensation which in some case maybe right for the emotional pain and suffering then I want reparations for ancestors of slaves for 400 yrs of free labor and suffering

Go ahead and give the context and examples of why I sent you a private message.
I am highly passionate when it comes to the PUF. I take offense when so called pro U of H posters can’t answer if they are for expanding the PUF to U of H.
You invited this response.

I am pretty sure that we are all interested and hopeful that PUF will be expanded to include UH.

Unfortunately, however, that appears to be a long shot.

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I have not discussed the PUF with you and you have not messaged me about it. I am all for expanding it to UH and other universities though

You kind of made my point if you also insulted another poster for reasons related to the PUF. You insulted me because I replied “I don’t give a F about Biden and don’t send me this trash” when you sent a long political post about how he is destroying America.

Just my opinion, but you should at least apologize to the people you have insulted and pledge to stop doing it before calling out others for insults. Also weird you defended insulting that other poster in a thread calling out people for that very thing.

Legitimate question.
Do you have Season tickets through any Sport w/ Cougar Athletics??

They do, that’s why its called a University and not a trade school. Are you sure you went to UH?

You betcha norbert, proud 94 BBS alum. Thank you for asking. By the way being a foreign student I had to pay multiple times the tuition that my buddies were paying. All of it was and is worth it. Again than you for asking norbert. When my wife wants to buy me U of H gear I always tell her to get it through our official store. This is to make sure all possible revenues go back to our school.

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The Title of thread is an Insult. That’s the first issue. Better to name the 2-3 the OP mentions are the culprits, then to just throw shade for Attention.
At least OP 1 of 2 questions he was asked
 not bad . :man_shrugging:

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You sound like a longhorn with an agenda.

You can keep on trying norbert. I will never associate myself with the great satan.

What if he is including himself in those 2-3??? :exploding_head:

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