
Johnny’s source…Bwahahahaahaaa

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Welcome to the American justice system. Didn’t you know monetary compensation is pretty
much a given standard practice across the entire civilized world ?

This sounds like someone trying to manufacture a “crisis” .

Would you care to comment on the ineptitude of the policy of state sanctioned kidnapping of
children or will you ignore it ?

Is there a good to reason to make this personal? Besides, that’s incorrect.

“Kidnapping children?” You are also aware that there has been countless number of children that have been left for dead or used by their so called parents so they could be apprehended. A border patrol officer finds out that the child is being abused by his parents. What do you think that border patrol is going to do? We have little to no ways of finding out who the real father is in many cases. This was reported and has been reported for months.

By the way what about the multiple crime offenders that keep being deported but keep coming back?
How and why do we even allow sanctuary cities? We created this problem ourselves. Obrador is laughing at us. We can’t even control our own borders. Coyotes and rug cartels are using illegal immigrants to transport fentanyl at record numbers. This is also not true right?

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We need to import more to catch-up with China, population wise.We import everything else from China. At least we aren’t importing these folks from China.

Not personal but CNN and Biden your sources are toast…the red wave is a coming

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Ah, so now to deflection from a direct question about the policy.

Shall I ask it again ?

Would you care to comment on the ineptitude of the policy of state sanctioned kidnapping of
children or will you ignore it ?

I just answered. That also reminds me when cnn was proclaiming to the world that President Trump, the bad orange men was putting infants in cages all over the country.
We all found out that the pictures that cnn used were from…the obama administration. He/obama put these children in cages. To this day cnn has not apologized.


Still not answering I see … “what about” , “what about”, …

This cats in bed with China

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We have no data telling us of the exact circumstances of these family being separated. You have them? Please go ahead and provide them to us. This is another political football deemed to portray biden’s predecessor as inhuman. The border patrol has been amazing at their jobs. Working day and nights trying to secure our borders with little to no thanks from our current leaders. Remember the so called border patrol on horses pictures? Media fabrication runs rampant. By the way let’s take a step back.
At first we hear of $450k
biden denies it.
His immigration secretary agrees but not fully on the figure
biden denies it again
Don’t you all finds these “twist and turns” rather unusual? Don’t you think there is a lot more to it than has been reported?

So first anyone who denied the red wave is coming is a fool who doesn’t follow politics. Incumbents almost always lose in the midterms. Name of the game is turnout in the midterms getting your voters to the polls and excited, scared, whatever to get them there. Team blue historically sucks at this. Team red have had a finely honed messaging and electioneering in place for almost 35 years now. Democrats have numbers… When they show up and they are a fickle bunch

It looks like this

Democrats: The are more of us, but you have to make all of us happy or we’ll stay home

Reps: We are Legion we are many. We are Legion we are one.

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I bet each side views the other as the “we are legion we are many. we are legion we are one”


Good point.

Are we back to believing what the President says? Is he our President now or just theirs?

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That is the entire point. A President can make untrue statements. Then the mainstream media “piggy back” these statements as if it were true. This is by design. This is why you see, watch, hear so called political analysts or anchors insult anybody that has a different point of view. The cnn Nielsen numbers are a crystal clear “snap shot” on how it can be successful and detrimental at the same time. cnn is now in deep trouble.

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Trump this: (this is just one of over 30,000 in four years, check the link below)

We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world…Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world.”


This is Trump’s favorite false claim, so there should be no surprise he said it twice in his farewell address. (In this database, we only count a falsehood once per venue.) By just about any key measure in the modern era, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton presided over stronger economic growth than Trump. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison with the postwar boom in the 1950s or the 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953. (After the novel coronavirus tanked the economy, Trump jacked up his claim even more, falsely saying it had been the greatest economy in the history of the world.) This marks the 493rd time that Trump used a variation of this line, meaning he said it on average every other day.


Now where’s that bleach?

Border security is just one aspect of enforcing the laws that are on the books. It seems enforcing the laws we have are seen by some as racist. If you are for border security you have to be anti-hispanic or pro-caucasian. If you want to enforce laws against burglary, larceny or drugs you are racist because those are perceived as being primarily committed by blacks. The argument I have heard from some quarters is “the law is just a vehicle the white man uses to keep the brown and black man down.” Maybe others have a better explanation of how we have come to have so little regard for the law that we permit the things going on now by way of open borders, easy release of criminals charged and refusal to prosecute criminal offenders. We’ve had anarchists throughout our history but do not believe the movement has ever been this strong.


Saying it doesn’t make it so, or you have a strange
definition of open.

as well as all the drugs coming in from China and Mexico killing our youths…The only reason the libs are for open borders is for votes…everyone knows this and its a big sacrifice of American lives…wake up people