CWF’s coaching staff

Any updates on assistant coaches CWF will be hiring.

I assume Naghavi stays, i’ve heard Meekins is likely to stay as well.


I heard probably Naghavi and possibly Early and maybe Meekins. I haven’t read anything definite.


They should keep Meekins for recruiting purposes. Plus, he was HC at Spring Westfield, my Alma mater!


I was class of 98 Butch, what were you!

Forgot Early, I heard he is likely staying too.


We need to clean house except Naghavi. He got a raw deal. That is all.


I would think there is a chance the following stay.


I also would like to see Shorts stay. Very good recruiter and I thought the wide receivers did a good job running routes, getting separation, and did good at finding open spaces in scramble drills.


Coach Wilie will bring smashmouth football.


The assistant coaching staff is every bit as important as the head coach. Hopefully since WF has been around so long he will have plenty of connections to bring in an ace staff.


That is one good thing that I see with Fritz. He knows the coarching ranks as well as the high school coaches. He only had three returning coaches from the team that beat USC last year. He had to replace the rest of the coaches and still took the team back to the AAC championship.


Which in itself is a difficult feat. Not many schools repeat in the championship game.

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I would like to see Tyron Carrier come back. He belongs at U of H.


What’s the consensus about his firing? Did he deserve it or was it just another Holgerson finding a scapegoat?

Otherwise ya I’d like to see him come back and get a second chance.

Here is my problem with wanting to keep current coaches. The assistant coaches are mainly who trains the players and teach the techniques. Our current staff has not done too well over the last several years with the on field stuff and recruiting hasn’t been stellar either so why do we want to keep them?

Usually a new coach wants to clean house and get his own guys. I think that there may be a couple Fritz may want to keep though, foremost being Naghavi.


I like Early.


I understand your point about the coaches. I think some of the issues resided with Holgorson. I would not keep any of the defensive coaches except Early who has sent several players to the NFL. Naghavi has made it clear that what he was promised versus what he was allowed to do were two different things. If Holgorsen was back, I don’t think Naghavi would have stayed. Meekins has connections to the high school coaches, and has done a good job of recruiting tight ends. Shorts I mentioned earlier. The rest of the coaches can look for their next stop. But it is Fritz’s decision and I believe he has strong connections in the coaching community and will bring in a very good staff.


Yes and HCF has his own team. We all have to remember that he excels because he knows how to delegate. He will know who fits his CEO’s approach.


Coaching staff is major key for Willie to be able to compete. In NIL era, you need a mix of recruiters and really good ball coaches. It is very NFL style in that you got to coach up new kids every year to compete at highest level.

He got to get the Jimmy and Joe’s for that. I believe he will…

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I hadn’t heard anything about this. Where is this info from?

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