Does Cincinnati deserve a chance to play in the playoffs?

My thoughts are as follows, Why would they not have a chance just like any other school? They could be undefeated and beaten 6 ranked teams and the P5 cartel would find a way to keep them out. I get tired of the same old story that they play a schedule that does not get you the brownie points needed to be included. My answer to that is to get rid of the term P5 conference. I miss the days when all schools had the same chance no matter who you where to win it all like you do in March madness. What is the fix to all of this mess? It cracks me up that the sports news was all over a women kicking an extra point from a P5 school. Why should this even matter? All P5 means is they are in a conference that pays the school more than ones that are not. They are all the same level as a G5 school and a women at a G5 school already did this years back at New Mexico Such BS.

Litigation is the only way for this cartel to end.
“They are going to create their own league”
Cincinnati earned it on the field. They played the teams that were in front of them and these teams are Div I teams not Div II or from the Island of Manure.
You either play Div I or you do not. Saying they do not belong knows nothing about sports. You do not agree? Disolve the entire Div I football landscape. Let’s see how this will turn out. The fact is too many people are turning a blind eye to this corruption. I keep writing it B.Ball and March madness is next. The cartel does not want to give money to lesser schools. That is why the cartel was created. It has nothing to do about sport. Do not agree? LET THEM BLIMPING PLAY…GET IT

What I am very curious about this year is USC.
USC beating Oregon will finish 6-0 and PAC12 Champion I believe. This is going to be very interesting how the PAC12 will respond if they USC is not going to the cfp when ohio state is.


No they shouldn’t and neither does coastal Carolina

A G5 team had a chance at the playoffs and that was 2016 Houston


Cartel rules apply. Coastal Carolina and Cinn have no chance of getting in the playoff. As a matter of fact, if both get in NY6 bowls, look for the P5s to change the rules


Of course they do. And so does Coastal Caroline, Buffalo, and every other conference champion.


The committee moved a 2 loss Iowa State ahead of undefeated Cincinnati which means they have no intentions to let a G5 into a 4 team playoff.

Litigation is not going to work. All the P5s have to do is create their own College Athletic Association. G5s know that’s a possibility so they do not want to rock the boat.

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Not sure about litigation but federal hearings and a government intervention regarding the appropriate taxation of the semi-pro FB teams posing as some kind of a non-profit under the NCAA’s umbrella might do the trick. To me, this seems to be the largest $ocial justice i$$ue in American society today.

Someone have fun explaining to Congress why 64 predominantly white universities can collude to collect $50 to $100 million more per year than their historically black university counterparts and not pay one dime of income tax on their humongous profits - all the while using unpaid mostly black labor!

This would seem to be a pot at the end of the rainbow for “redistribution of wealth minded folks.”


I think they do, and so does A&M…but theyll never get the chance …not with all the national butt kissing of Ohio State no matter how good they actually are…

Its as simple as this:

Do I think Cincinnati is better than Clemson, Alabama, Notre Dame or Ohio State?

The answer is a resounding no.

I do firmly believe the playoff should be expanded so other teams have a chance though.


Cinn, Ohio State and Alabama are the three best teams I have seen this year. Clemson and Notre Dame are in the next group.


It’s so hard to compare Cincy because they play in a weak conference and really haven’t played anyone. Same for Coastal.
If Cincy had played Ohio State we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion. Of course a Bearcat win might have made a big difference

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The playoffs are Clemson, Alabama, Ohio state most of the time. Throwing LSU or OU other years. It’s getting boring.


Expand CFP to 8 …problem solved


Ahead of the top 3-4 teams, no.

But absolutely before ISU



Everyone knows that’s how it should be done except for Clemson, Ohio State and Alabama. They don’t want to change anything.

More than likely, it will change in 7 years when the CFP/ESPN contract expires.

Schedule not up to par. They will not get in. Agree with previous poster, 2016 Coogs was best chance for “g5.”

Anywho, playoffs NEED to expand. If NOT for inclusion then for security… in the sense that if it’s the same damn teams people will get tired and TUNE OUT!!!

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Sure hope it isn’t true, but at least one bowl projection (mcmurphy the tool) has coastal and cinn playing each other.

Complete bs if it happens.

It shouldn’t matter whether we THINK Cincy is better than Clemson. Alabama, or Ohio State. This isn’t a beauty pageant. What matters most is what’s proven on the field. Did any P5 conference think we were better than FSU before we beat them in the Peach bowl? Yes, of course, Cincy deserves a shot. They’re undefeated and have one of the best defenses in the country.