Early line on Rice game out


I’d stay far, far away from this line. I think Rice’s new coach is going to be a star.

Wow…was expecting triple digits.


I agree that their new coach may be a star, one day, if we can’t beat Rice by at least 21 with the level of talent we have this year, we need to shutter the program. These guys need to have a HUGE chip on their shoulders following a dissappointing year last season.


From a ref that has worked Rice spring games and scrimmages the last few years…“It may not happen this year, but Rice should be very competitive very quickly. Not only has the new coach changed the attitude by his own coaching abilities and enthusiasm, the assistant coaching staff is a whole new ball game by themselves…very talented and hungry. Completely different spring.”

That said, I think 21 is a good line. Lots of work to be done in bird land.


I’d take that spread.

Rice is God Awful, and we’ll be improved.

Won’t be close.


If he turns out to be a “star”…he will not be there long.


I am fairly high on Rice’s new coach as well, but their defense was atrocious last year and lost basically every key contributor from said atrocious defense.

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First game with a new coach is a mystery. What is not a mystery is that in this cross town rivalry, Rice wants to beat UH as much (if not more) than UH wants to beat Rice. I always remember the 1980 Rice game we were big favorites, yet the Owls won 35-7 in the Dome. You just can’t take a rivalry game for granted. I would love to beat them by 100; but a 21 point win is fine with me.


That was also a preseason top 10 team that went 7-5

Rather pessimistic about this season. Resemblance of 2014 season IMO. Talented UH squad but stumbling in coaching. Replace Texas State with Rice off the blocks with Tulane doing us a favor again late in the season.

No way not with Briles and that offense, u are out of ur mind

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I don’t care how good rice is. We should never lose to those humps ever. Hump that! :rage:

Mike, this is what every U of H Alum, fan has to remember. Do not take one opponent for granted even rice. Spreads mean NOTHING. They do not help you win a game or games. The field and how much you want to put in is always the answer. Everything else is a video game/pure fantasy.
We need to have the pedal to the metal every game we play. We win by 60 points? So be it. Other Teams do it.

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I’m making a safe assumption that Kendall Briles is notch above the SFA guy and Bush. Those were two of the most inept offensive performances I have witnessed in my lifetime!

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Hope we can make it our “home” and have more fans there.

Rice’s offense should be improved over last year as they return a few guys and Bloomgren can probably work with that. However, I wouldn’t expect much out of the Owls this year. Honestly, I’d be worried about our season if we can’t beat them by at least 21.

One thing to look out for, Rice does PVA&M the week before our game so they’ll at least get their opener out of the way. Also will give us some film on them.


I’m pretty sure it will be 80 percent UH fans there. first game of the season for UH and rice stadium isn’t far from campus. We will take it over.


The only way Rice stays in this game is if we turn the ball over multiple times. They to not have the 2’s to run a full game with us. They need to recruit better.

Just wondering, since you’re a ref… is there any push to get a better vision plan for college football refs? :wink:


Getting 2 former head coaches as coordinators is a heckuva coup when you’re Rice. I too was really impressed by Bloomgren’s first staff.

it doesnt MATTER who their coaches are when you are as untalented as Rice is…Maybe theyll be better in 4 or 5 years…4 or 5 years is NOT next game…
And kindly do not EVER menton an excellent, proven OC like Briles in same sentence with the goof coaches we had who lost to Tx st and utsa…we will be beat Rice til they are on their knees and all those Stanford loudmouths are going to do is make it easier when they start shooting their mouths off about how good Rice is and what theyre going to do, etc…