Elon Musk's 56 Billion Tesla pay package struck by courts

lol…I missed it…it’s been that kind of day. Lol

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This is gonna be a hard pill for the Elon fanboys on here.

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My takeaway from that article is that he will probably get the pay package approved. Sounds
like there is still a lot of support there for him. Should be interesting how the vote goes.

Personally, I think the company needs to get a full time dedicated CEO and move on from Musk.
Sure he gets credit for getting Tesla to this point, but time to move on if they want survive and thrive
as a company.


Yes I agree with you, he’s got too many irons in the fire and he’s competing against Tesla on AI stuff. Just a big conflict, in my opinion. But hey they let him bail out his cousin on that Solar City deal so who knows.

Really though, Elon should have been grooming a successor. Just knowing he was spending more time with his other companies that at some point it might make sense for him to step back to a more advisory role. I don’t think his ego would allow it though.

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Looks like Musk got his payday from shareholders.


Anyone know if it has to get approved by the court? Just wondering.

I believe the judge in Delaware does, but she’s expected to.