Fake news?

I get it and understand all of that.

That has moderated alot. See Baylor, Smu and Tcu not objecting to BYU entering the big12. I think christians of all faiths are banding together as they feel their beliefs are under attack by the left.


Many theologians do not consider Mormons as Christians based on not believing in the holy trinity.


That is true. There are other reasons why but not interested in jumping into this one in this forum.

Good point

I have seen a pivot innthe media in questioning the validity of the story of the Duke player who is black.

At one time, Mormons were extreme left- they “believe” they found a missing book of the Bible, God lives on a far away planet, came down to earth in human form to impregnate Mary, native Americans were teleported Isrealites, garden of Eden was actually in the United States, etc.

See how that was all counter culture to Puritan ideals and beliefs?

Eventually some video with audio may pop up confirming the player’s statement or refuting it.

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Seems like it might have been made up by the mom of the player

That doesn’t make them extreme left.

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We don’t know that. Let’s wait for some corroboration one way or the other.

Let me see if i have this right
you started this thread and yet you don’t even know the details and think it was her mom
so you just want to stir the pot.

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I can tell you that the Catholic Church has held Mormon Baptisms to be invalid because, while they do baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the LDS’ understanding of what those are is FAR outside the Christian mainstream.

It’s not the Trinitarian Godhead that Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestants believe in.


The basketball team was sitting next to the student section and when the admin reached out to the student body no one confirmed the incident.

The person invisible apparently.

Actually it does.

Remember the Catholics and the Conservative Protestants lined up on opposite sides of the political parties.

Today, extreme left means something different but once upon a time, right wing “Conservativism” was the WASP Puritan ideals.

Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Muslims were NOT part of that original Conservative nucleus.

Again, today in 2022, things have shfted but i’m referring to the historical base of the spectrum.

The Puritans Protestants were not pleased with thd Mormons “making up new things about the bible”

Think about how we view Scientology today- outside of the Conservative core


That’s not a right/left issue. It’s an adding things to the Bible issue. Protestants tend to view Mormonism as a cult. Not extremely left wing, it’s always been that way.

Mormons have always been conservative politically.

True, but we always allowed them in our church league. They always one first place too.

Today- Yes, they align with Conservative political ideals but they weren’t always aligned with “conservative” candidates and values.

Polygamy, living in compounds, alternative Christian theories aren’t tenements of puritan conservatism to me- more like the left leaning hippie ideals