
And they will spend their last nickle to feed their addiction or move to something else, likely worse. It is like whack a mole.

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You are making analogies with junkies. This is entirely different. We are writting about middle school and high school kids dying from fentanyl not knowing they are getting killed by fentanyl. Do you understand the societal difference between the two or not? This is why I opened up this thread. It has nothing to do with junkies or addicts as we know them. I mean this is mind boggling that some can make this analogy. This should never be about one party vs the next. It is about children dying and common sense.

I didn’t know addiction had a minimum age.


or to call them junkies in an attempt to dehumanize users, is what drives demand.

Do you think Fentanyl is used by curious experimenting users?

I agree that Fentanyl even in small doses can be fatal. Do you think drug dealers care about cross contaminstion? No. That is how a lot of the “lacing” happens with cross contamination because they are not wiping down their scales.

Anyone, including kids dying due to is drugs is horrible. But what drove them to use, experiment or become addicted. The solution is to solve the demand side.

Are you going to equate kids smoking dope scarcely to junkies. You are purposely being disingenuous.

Dang you really believe kids don’t do hard stuff? They also never drink, have sex or say cuss words. What imaginary world do live in? Drugs don’t care how old you are.


We all agree drugs are bad, and especially bad for kids, who may be exposed to Fentanyl without their knowledge. We also agree that addicts are deterred by nothing. Most will use until the drugs kill them.

Solutions are harder to come by, but nobody here thinks victims should be punished. V thinks driving up the price makes it inaccessible to most except those addicted, who will do whatever it takes to buy it. I agree. If we shut down foreign sources, more gets made in the US. Never will stop it, but might dent it.

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Fentanyl is the newest drug of choice and grew out of the opioid epidemic that has been bubbling in neighborhoods all around us. When other illicit drugs were killing people in the inner cities the suburban crowd essentially looked away but now that opioid addiction and fentanyl has made its addiction felt in middle class and upper middle class neighborhoods, well, now something needs to be done.

Bill, is right addicts will spend them selfs to death buying drugs, if they can’t afford it they will move to something else, there will always be a market if there is demand.


What is it that you can not comprehend?
I wrote black and white that kids are dying while smoking a joint WITHOUT knowing it is laced with fentanyl. We all know how easy dope can be laced with something that we have no idea off. Do you finally understand what I am writing?
That is the harsh new realty that we live in and the last few years have translated into a major health issue. Get it now?

A vast majority of people I know who are doing hard drugs, started off with one drug or habit smoking cigarettes, nicotine is the gateway drug
 do the research fund many MJ smokers started off smoking cigarettes then progressed from there.

I think there is a number of kids who skip over the “gateway” choices and go for pills. They know opiods will make the hurt, real or emotional, go away.

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What is it that you can’t understand?
Casual or rare marijuana users these are the demographics I am writing about.
You are purposely diverting from the main point.

Then i am guessing you are ALL In on making weed legal nationwide and decriminalize it? Let it be regulated with the quality control of regular drugs.

To be fair your original main point was “The main issue here is that kids or adults do not even try to get fentanyl. They are trying to get oxi or other pain management drugs instead they are dying from taking fentanyl without even knowing it.” Then you brought up black market aspirin before switching to focusing on underage “casual or rare marijuana users” dying.

Don’t blame people for not following your constantly changing “main point”. The first main point was addressed that addiction is a problem that needs attention and your second main point was laughed at because no body buys aspirin from drug dealers. Your third main point leads to questions about legalizing marijuana which I don’t think you will want to touch.


Sometimes i think there is more than one person writing under that account

You can’t accept facts because it does not fit your narrative. Go back in the earlier posts and yes fentanyl is being mixed with every pill you can think off.
You and a few others could care less about this fentanyl crisis. I 100% wish your family is not affected by it.

Fentanyl laced joints, America’s biggest problem!

Are you kidding me!

I have been to two funerals of people lost to addiction over the years.

I care deeply about the emotional and physical pain addiction does to the individual and their families.

How callous of you to say since we dont agree with your view point we must not care. And then hope we never experience loss. What is wrong with you?

I am not writting about addiction. Get that right. I am writing about a 12 years old that is having his or her first joint. How clearly can I frame it for you?
I am sorry for your losses.

You keep changing the subject.

Yes or no? Should weed be legalized nationwide and decriminalized?