He's Right. It's time

E cause we kind of legalized it. But the expense that occurs for the legit law abiding pot farmer makes it incredibly hard to profit. The regulations are choking the legit side. So illegal sales are given a ticket and a fine so the downside of illegally doing it isn’t bad at all. Compared to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a special certificate from the state saying they have legal drugs and those are okay because they have been taxed. That untaxed weed is for the devil.

You should just be able to grow your own… Like hops.

Oregon allows 1 plant per household.

Here is to your point.
The “Colorado Experiment”: Legalized Marijuana’s Impact in Colorado | Hudson.
It might be “romantic” to think that legalizing marijuana will “solve” all drug issues. I am going to ask a simple question.
At what cost to our society?
Data shows that youth drug consumption is up in states that have legalized marijuana. So I will ask again. At what cost to our society?
Furthermore we purposely ignore some of the real consequences of legalizing drugs. One of them is to get high with a stronger drug and so forth. Some of you mention alcohol and you are right. What about alcohol. One of every parent worst nightmare is for their children to drink and drive. We debate as adults and hopefully we know better. Do you think a 10 years old knows better about weed or alcohol? Again we are adults. They are children. He/she does not. By making it more accessible it creates more youth consumption. Do we want children “hooked up” on tablets and weed? Speak about promoting obesity.

Since legalization, downtown Denver has turned for the worse. My O&G clients no longer stay downtown.

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I used to be pro-legalization. Now that I’ve seen what happens, I’ve changed my mind: West Coast cities are open-air asylums of mentally ill homeless — I guess many/most of them are poly-drug abusers — whatever they can get their hands on. Take a gander — this is probably fentanyl, IMO —


This week in Hartford, Connecticut—

“I think that this has proven that it is necessary to bring that (nalaxone) directly into the schools,” Linehan said of the Hartford student’s overdose, during a news conference outside the state Capitol with Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont and other state officials.

It is quite interesting on how as adults we come to realizations of some “life” facts when at the same time we 100% ignore what a 10 year old might be thinking or experiencing.

The girl above was on something else. I’m for only pot legalization then we stop there or worse case stop locking users up for small amounts. Alcohol is just as bad or worse since it’s mainstream so it’s hypocritical. The reason prohibition ended is bc it was mainly whites wanting it gone and they were still getting it during prohibition. You also had organized crime making money like now with pot.

Not condoning hard drugs, I’ve seen people drunk acting the same way, as that woman. Man as a species has sought escape from the reality of this world since his existence, trying to survive day to day and wanting to escape the harsh reality of lions, tigers and bears wanting to make you there next meal anybody would want to escape that reality besides having to deal with the hostile tribal neighbors, never know if there on the warpath, and if you will see another day. Any human being would want to escape that reality if only for a few hours. With the tehno -man the new escape will be virtual reality i.e the metaverse Where people will literally be able to create their own reality digitally and bring about their own personal world virtually (not even the best drug trip will be able to emulate) that our ancestors could only dream of.

Back in the 70s & 80s when I was in favor of legalizing weed, it was low potency stuff.

Nowadays, the weed is many, many times more potent. And, IMO, it’s creating a mental health crisis. Take a look at this Yale Med School Fact Sheet on Cannabis & Psychosis—

If exposed to cannabis in adolescence, research shows individuals are 2-4x more likely to develop a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, than if you were not exposed

Frequency and amount, time of exposure, duration of exposure, and potency of cannabis all impact amount of risk for psychosis associated with cannabis use (greater frequency and duration, earlier first use, and higher potency THC = greater risk of psychosis)

Daily and higher potency cannabis leads to increased risk of psychosis

Today’s cannabis tends to be more potent (higher levels of THC) than several decades ago

15% of new cases of psychosis are attributable to cannabis use

I’m not saying one puff and you go crazy. I am saying there is a vulnerable population (those at risk of developing schizophrenia) and, per Yale Med, weed raises their risk of developing schizophrenia and ruining their lives.

Google weed psychosis for lots, lots more

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Right on point and again we as adult are reasoning as adults. A ten year old child is a child and has no clues or somewhat limited clues of his long term decisions.
We see these types of human reasoning on many subjects. Again and again think of the children and what it can do to them.

Query: Why do I need to think about the children on this particular issue? But I and/or others are allowed or told to ignore the children on a myriad of other issues that effect children?


Reason more why to regulate MJ if THC is getting more potent. Just like cigarettes where the nicotine can be regulated, especially when the government found out the cigarette mfg were increasing it’s potency chemically. The Surgeon General I believe who served under the Clinton admin said nicotine is every bit as addictive as heroin. Best thing government is regulate the drugs. Maybe setup centers where people can come to have drug trip and be regulated and managed. Kind of like going to the tribal village shaman someone who’s experienced in guiding the village people.

i think delta 9 is the compound that we know as marijuana. Delta 8 is the compound derived from industrial hemp that is like 1/3-1/2 as potent. The difference is like one bond in a different place on the structure. The high is a little different but it’s roughly the same just weaker. So for d8 gummies you will ingest ~twice the amount to get a similar high to normal thc gummies. or something. I don’t do it that much so I could be wrong.

Good question. I see it like DUI.
Edit: this was in response to 1985 and the affect on children, my bad

Yes, one can trip all one wants in a safe setting but when you affect others, it’s prima facia evidence of not giving a single F for social order, respect for others and common sense and should be severely sanctioned.

Evidence is strong that marijuana use in teens and preteens affects a developing brain and should be strongly avoided. Yea, I know. Good luck with teens.

Kind of like not wearing a mask while refusing to get vaccinated and and being in close proximity of others all day. That’s a problem and I digress.

I agree treat pot like a DWI. I don’t think tons of people would start using if legal but again it’s not worse than drinking. I would stop at only pot as legal. The other stuff kills people. The opioid prob for ex with doctors prescribing too much. Opioids are dangerous bc it slows the heart rate down then mixed with alcohol is a killer.For your kids, just treat it like alcohol and tell them not to be a pothead , otherwise they won’t accomplish much in life. The ones that want it are already getting it now so teach your children well and to have goals and sports is a great way to keep them on the right path. I ran track and cross country in high school and it made me a better student bc I wanted to stay eligible etc. My daughter did cheer and was the same. Get them into something like music if they aren’t athletic , anything to focus on.

Cigarettes and vaping are legal and not all are doing that bc it affects your lungs. Pot is bad for your lungs bc it’s not filtered so 1 joint is equal to a lot of cigarettes. There’s no free ride.

I’m just against jailing so many people for pot then they can’t get jobs and it makes it worse. Cocaine etc needs to be illegal.

Because big authoritarian government is fine if its an issue he agrees with. If not, screw kids we can’t take away freedoms.


I’m really tired of that fear mongering type of stuff. I smoked for 30 years and when I decided to quit I quit. No nicotine gum or patches, I just quit. haven’t smoked in 20+ years.


Quote: Interdisciplinary research in pharmacology, psychology, physiology and neurobiology is just beginning to shed light on the incredible hold that tobacco has on people. Scientists have found, for instance, that nicotine is as addictive as heroin, cocaine or amphetamines, and for most people more addictive than alcohol.

I remember watching a show that said that the reason nicotine is so addictive has to do with the fact that, unlike most stimulants, nicotine lowers anxiety.

Most stimulants do indeed rev up the nervous system, but also increase anxiety.

Nicotine is one of the few that revs up the nervous system while simultaneously decreasing anxiety, a highly pleasurable effect for many people.

That makes it VERY hard for people to quit as a general rule.