Hire Character

There was nothing that indicated Sonny Dykes could take a team to a national title game. There was everything to indicate that he was a quality man, had quality character. Score one for the AD who hired for character first.

Sonny had a worse winning % than Dana prior to this year. I’m not commenting on Dana’s character, just saying that the goal of an athletic department should be to hire good people….who can also win.

Let’s give Dana a shot to win in the Big 12, but if we ever have to hire again, let’s hire the right way….no Hugh Freeze, no Art Briles, no reclamation.


Character is numeral uno one .


Definitely agree that it is a very important attribute in a successful head coach.

But Levine had great character and wasn’t the right guy.

If Holgorsen doesn’t make it here, who are the coaches we can pursue who exhibit the character and coaching acumen you advocate for?

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Wasn’t it sonny who said he would never coach at UH because he is Dad said we were a dump?


If Dana fails in the Big 12 (which I hope he doesn’t) Hopefully nobody has hired Riley from TCU yet

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Soup du jour

His stock is high and just got higher after today. His name will come up quite often.

Looking back I think we should have gave Tony more time


Sonny is country boy at heart, funny his old man would say some like that,consider use to kick his butt back in the day regularly at TT, a sore loser

Yeah Dykes was a high character guy with a star RB with a 0.0 GPA.


Tidbit: Sonny was UT-- AD-- DEL Conte first choice as new HC. But was over ruled by $$$ Boosters.

Sound familiar :thinking:

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In this day and age, a high character head coach means he’s telling his AD after game 10 that he is interviewing with ABC university, rather than denying it and lying through his teeth.

This. I think he would have figured things out and would still be here. Alas… What happened, happened.

If Holgorsen makes a bowl next year, he will be here in 2024 as well, and I have no problem with that. I just hope they don’t extend him again until he actually puts two really good seasons together back-to-back, ie consecutive 10-win seasons.


Tony Levine…

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Not sure on his character. Never met him. I do know having a fast flying defense and QB that does nothing but make plays gets HC’s more credit than they deserve fairly often.


It is a similar group to what Gary Patterson had last season that didn’t play to this level. Dykes and his staff deserve a lot of credit for turning this group of players around and getting them to compete for the frickin national championship.

I just didn’t see anything from Dykes past to indicate this level of success.


In simple and broad terms these are IMO the essential qualities of a HC:
Work ethic
Relationships (in the profession and HS coaches).
Football acumen

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Who cares what they did not do or do? Their current state of affairs suits them perfectly.

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Ohh hey Chris-- Happy New Year !! :wink:
I don’t care if you care… I was providing info that the AD 100% wanted Dikes as HC. Plenty plenty UT info comes across these threads, I just contributed info related to discussion.

Good bye!