Hoping to Come Down for UU - UH FB Game

I’ve never been to Houston, though I flew across the burbs a few times.

Any recommendations on a cheaper hotel near the stadium zone? I’m an old partially disabled Navy Vet and cant do a great deal walking (balance/knee issues) I could set there sifting through various travel sites for hours, but figured y’all would be the very best source of tips on vicinity/cost (I live on disability only now).

In spite of some of the truly obnoxious internet trolls in our fanbase (90% or more of whom have been banned from Utefans.net), many of us look forward to engaging with fans from another passionate base, that has had some really rough years lately. Any feedback would be highly appreciated!

I’m investigating because our Crimson Club booster offices are informing we members that the Big 12 is requiring notice of projected needs for visiting schools by June 1, and tickets for the Houston are being apportioned by our level in the club. That speaks to already indicated interest from our booster base to visit the game!

Thank you all in advance for the hospitality and friendliness many Southerners are noted for, and Houston is definitely a bit more in that sphere than say Austin or DFW.

Good Luck on your season, with the obvious exception HAHAHA :smiley: :sweat_smile:


Try the Hilton at University of Houston, on campus, reasonable.



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You can stay downtown and take a short (~2 miles) light rail ride to UH campus.

But as stated above, a room at the UH Hilton would be the best bet if there is a vacancy. It fills up on game days.


Great to meet you Utahrangerone!

I will second the UH Hilton. It’s a very good place to stay and has been recently renovated. Visitors from other schools have had positive experiences there as well. As the previous poster mentioned, reserve a spot now before it’s all sold out.

If you decide to go elsewhere, you’ll be a few miles away from campus in the middle of Downtown Houston. This isn’t entirely bad since you’ll find plenty of attractions there. I know for me if I’m visiting a new city for business I like to do a few city things to get familiar with the environment. I’m not a big fan of the Metro Rail, so for me, a short Uber ride from downtown to the stadium would be the way to go.

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Not many other hotels I would stay at right in the area except the one mentioned. But I live here so do not get hotels here.

That said, what is the plan for the trip?
Fly in for the game and fly out only? Visit other sites and stay a day or two for it? Lots of other options with this second one.
Also are you planning to uber/lyft/rail or rent a car to get around?
Last, which airport Bush or Hobby. Hobby is much closer but I think that is primarily SW airlines…

Also for others here:

Is the rail station the closest drop off point for someone to walk into the stadium if they can’t walk far?

I know there are also the people on bikes that give rides to people as a good option from further parking lots to the stadium. What do those cost on top of parking?

The rail system drops you off about 150 yards from the west gate. The Hilton is on the other side of the campus from the stadium. You can cross the campus and get a view of it. Or, I Believe there are buses that transfer people from that side of campus to the stadium.


The Hilton isn’t cheap. You can sometimes get a deal on good hotels downtown and if you aren’t parking a car they can be reasonably priced for the quality. You could Uber to the rail stop and then The rail takes you right to the stadium. The other best option is if you are flying into hobby , the hotels around it are decent with some better than others . Then You could get an Uber to the stadium and get dropped off reasonable close . It depends on which airport you are arriving .

I have difficulty walking and have used the rail on occasion. The walking distance is shorter than most of the on campus parking. While I would not use the rail ordinarily, on game days you are riding with other fans which makes me feel better about it. I used to park in the garage because I have a handicap sticker but they kicked us folks out unless we want to come up with even more cash which is hard to do for an old retired codger like me. If they are reading this I still think that was very chicken #### of them.


stex, i am glad the rail has provided you with a way to get in and out with far less walking.I have similar worries. …I wish our school would take more consideration for us older fans who have a harder time getting around…
I expect next year’s Utah-Houston game will be a close, hard fought contest…Should be one of our best home games.

I noticed you said cheaper and not cheap which helps because Houston has its share $99 fleabag motels I would not recommend, but from a national pricing prospective it is fairly inexpensive to stay in our downtown on weekends. Of course it is nice to stay on campus at the Hilton and use the pedicabs, but beyond the university there is not much there. I usually stay in downtown, the Purple light rail route runs down to the stadium from downtown, we usually stay at the Hyatt Place it is about 1.5 blocks one way and 2.5 the other way from the light rail stop and starts at $150 a night that weekend. If the walking is to much everything is less then 15 minutes apart so the Ubers aren’t bad. For food the convention center area and Eado has some great restaurants.

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I took my father-in-law who walks with a cane to the game in Waco and we got off the shuttle bus from the parking lot and a guy on a golf cart literally stopped him and put him and my mother-in-law on the cart and drove them directly to the gate. Stuff like that goes a long way.


Take the time to go to some of our restaurants. Food is excellent in Houston. Teotihucan Mexican Cafe on Airline is worth stopping at.

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If mobility is an issue stick to our lower bowl for seats. Upper levels are a young man’s game.


Question about the Metro Purple Line.

Is Little Woodrow’s in EADO on that rail line? If so, can you park there and safely leave your car there for hours while attending a game?

Boy, thats nice…looks like Baylor does it right…

The handicap lot at TT is about a mile from the stadium and you have to pay to ride a bus.

2 blocks south
i used to park downtown all the time, don’t know 1st hand about EADO tho.
i know there’s plenty of cars parked on the street when im driving through

Its close, about a 5 min walk. Then the train drops you off right at the stadium. We do this for most football and some basketball game. The new Little Woodrws Eado (in the former Luckys building) is outstanding.

There is a huge parking lot right there, only issue would be if there is an Astros or Dynamo game that day.

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