Hunter biden laptop update

I’m just over all the scandal talk. You can’t seem outraged about stuff if you thought nothing during the Trump era mattered. I mean grab them by the cat. I am numb to it, and see no consequences to those at the top. And i see fake concern from those who know what team they are on. The outrage is only to score political points, so why would any of us not on a team care? Maybe a third party could just run as anti corruption candidates


You really should stop…lol…

Hunter Derangement Syndrome is strong.

Btw, that request was to raise money forva non profit…D ick Cheney’s office did the same thing…but he is a RINO now…lol

I wish, just once, a crook gut indicted, convicted and sent to jail. It’s been too long since the last conviction.

Based on the per capita number of scumbags in DC, we should have a perp walk every month


Monthly?!? You must mean weekly.

No, monthly, every week would lose the impact.

And then they get pardoned

Did you notice a common theme here?
The pro biden posters are posting the following:
hunter biden derangement syndrome
It has been debunked
russian disinformation
The problem for them is that the same hunter biden is being investigated by the fbi and doj. What was told to be russian disinformation by the mainstream media is now proven that it is indeed hunter biden laptop. These same posters keep trying to exclude any connection between hunter and his dad. How could it not be true that the two are connected? Now we also know that joe biden own brother is in the middle of this investigation. Stay tuned.

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How could Clarence Thomas and his wife not be connected? And around it goes

Doesn’t matter, they are stained in the public’s perception

You Mean BLM? Biggest scam artists on the face of the earth

Is Clarence Thoimas and his wife subject to an fbi and doj investigation?

What does the seal say?

You can try to deflect it any which ways you can or want. Indeed if this is connected to senior biden this will eclipse watergate to another stratosphere.

Yet its Trump with the missing time gap in phone records. That reminds me a lot more of Watergate. But keep playing I’m sure you think your side is scoring points with themselves, or at least stroking itself.

Are we writing about Trump or the hunter biden laptop?
I do not know why but this reminds me of…

You are pushing your luck little man…

Already been disproved but don’t let it stop you promoting bogus conspiracies. Can I get a Russia, Russia, Russia?

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Watergate was disproved?

No the 8 hour gap…his assistant was out that day and he just used burner phones and other phones to bypass the switchboard and records keeping…justca tiny misunderstanding…it happened to him all then time…nothing to see…move along…SMH…mmm kay…

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Hard to keep score, i have no idea what is really happening or did but i did watch Jan 6th so it definitely happened. Trump definitely encouraged it and stood by, so i really don’t need wild theories, i saw it with my eyes. But i guess it can’t be proven Trump sent people to the Capitol to overturn the election. We can only guess? Yes there is no way to know whether Trump wanted it at all. Is that what I’m supposed to believe? Ohh right the Hunter lap top is way more conclusive…


And the email lady.

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Stop :raised_hand:! Mr Chris is trying to work!