Hydrogen seen powering Texas economy

Funny how the EV hater don’t’ apply the same reasoning for hydrogen they do for EVs. That’s how you know they are brainwashed by their media.

Where’s the infrastructure? How much transmission loss is there? Drilling for hydrogen is bad for the environment. Do you think hydrogen just magically comes out of thin air? Still need electricity to make hydrogen cars. How about the energy it takes to transport the hydrogen? Did you factor that in? Hydrogen explodes, that’s dangerous.


Kinda technical look at fueling methods. Talks about using polymer wrapped high strength carbon fiber tank on the vehicle for reduced weight. Also recommends the source hydrogen needs to be chilled to -40 C to counteract the heat gain to achieve source tank at 70 MPa pressure. If I understand it correctly, you could work with higher hydrogen source temperatures if you go with a slower filling rate.

Brainwashed? The only people brainwashed are the people buying Elon Musk’s misinformation (and crappy products).

You can’t power interstate trucks with batteries.

You can’t power ships with batteries.

You can’t power planes with batteries.

You can’t power steel mills (or anything industrial) with batteries.

So what do you do? Do you just let those keep spewing greenhouse gases and you smugly drive a non green crappy product that makes you feel good?

If there is going to be an energy transition it has to be an energy source that works. It is why Biden has thrown his weight and money on Hydrogen. He is right on this.

I think you just hit the nail on the head. I believe automobiles will use electricity and/or hydrogen and those you mentioned above will continue to use petroleum or hydrogen fuel when the technology is advanced enough.

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You mean we can save the oil for what we need it for? And who the f said we were getting rid of oil? Fearmongering big oil backed media.

We’re awash in oil.

I don’t know who said we are getting rid of oil. Why would that happen? It would be a third energy source.

Mostly the brainwashed.

I don’t necessarily disagree, but what’s going to slow down the growth of hydrogen is the infrastructure.

Biden’s throwing taxpayer money at hydrogen (much of which is using natural gas with carbon capture, so it’s not really “green” per se) which could help in the short term; however, in the long term it’s going to get tricky especially if costs increase for airliners, ships and industry.

Oil and gas has the advantage of decades and decades of in-place infrastructure that other forms of energy don’t have.

That being said, the subsidies for hydrogen and carbon capture (which both remain untested at scale) are mostly going to petroleum companies, who will continue to produce petroleum because there will always be demand for it for the foreseeable future.

The idea that EVs will compete with ICE without subsidies is childsplay. There aren’t adequate charging stations available, and it’s going to take years to build the renewable adjacent infrastructure to support renewable energy itself.

Absolutely correct but it has to start somewhere and Biden understands that it takes an initial investment to get it going. Germany, France, Japan, Australia are all making large investments into hydrogen because hydrogen is a superior form of energy than electricity. Plus with electricity you are only green as your grid, which in many cases it is not green at all.

Electricity has so many limitations. Time to charge, it can’t be used for large scale transportation or industrial uses. The only people who are big electricity fans are Elon Musk and China (who controls the rare earth metals). Those are two entities you probably don’t want to trust. They are the kings of disinformation and they use it well.

Making hydrogen is not green. Finding hydrogen in the ground is. Keep your fingers crossed but the returns from the Australian site are about to be known.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they indeed found the large scale hydrogen deposits. It would mean every country could be energy independent and break the back of bad players on the world stage like, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela etc.

But like you said the petroleum companies will become involved. Right now it is wildcatters. But once it is proven, if you think EXXON isn’t going to be the king if hydrogen, you are kidding yourself.

You may want to understand the growth numbers of recharging stations vs hydrogen refueling
stations. It’s not like the thing isn’t growing monthly.

Yeah, it went from about 70,000 stations in 2019 to about 150,000in 2023. I couldn’t find the
numbers for hydrogen refueling stations or hydrogen cars you can buy today.

I’m all for a hydrogen based economy, but it’s probably 10-20 years out before you will have
150,000+ hydrogen refueling stations in a US build out. And that’s assuming the white hydrogen
wells exist and can be commercially productive.

To get better understanding of building a hydrogen based economy read this or at least
the summary.

Ammonia’s Role in a Net-Zero Hydrogen Economy.

And there you are, proof this guys is brainwashed. China and Elon Musk? lol.

Why do you keep saying brainwashed. If so, then so is the Biden administration and so is our University. They both are behind hydrogen.

Do you work for Tesla?

You realize that Tesla isn’t the only EV maker, right?

I do. You do realize that the Biden administration is firmly behind hydrogen. You do realize that the University of Houston was a major reason we got the Hydrogen hub.

I won’t go through all the limitations of batteries again. But do you realize how many jobs that hydrogen hub brings to Houston?

Do you work for Tesla?

Oh yea I work for Tesla, and every other thing that you don’t agree with me with. lol.

Here is an update on Fuel Cell hydrogen powered cars in the US.

Theoretically, there will be enough emissions-free energy sources in the future to supply fuel cell vehicles, and the cost of making the hydrogen plants and building now-expensive fuel cells will decline enough so that car companies can make money on them. Right now, Hyundai and Toyota are absorbing losses as they develop the business. Through June this year, Toyota has sold 1,722 Mirais, and Hyundai only 105 Nexos.

California leads the way on hydrogen (no surprise there) and has a grand total of 59 hydrogen
refueling stations in LA and bay area. The stations reportedly go for days with no fuel.

California is the only state with a long-distance hydrogen network, courtesy of you and your fellow taxpayers. The network is growing, but tiny nonetheless. There are now 59 stations, clustered in Los Angeles and the Bay Area, with an essential fill-up spot at Harris Ranch on Interstate 5 to make a trip between the two possible.

Fuel station reliability remains a big problem. Not so much the mechanics, but the supply. Stations are often completely out of fuel, and sometimes sit that way for days.

So we have 59 hydrogen refueling stations to 150,000+ recharge stations nationwide. Hydrogen
has a long road to go down to even catch up.

Hydrogen fuel cell cars are here. But good luck trying to fill one up.

It will begin on the trucking and industrial level. But once people realize it takes minutes to refill a hydrogen powered truck and it takes hours to recharge an EV, people are going to want the same convenience.

The infrastructure will be built for industry first but that industrial infrastructure will be the backbone for the retail infrastructure.

But all of it is moot if the hydrogen deposits are not proven. If you need green house gas energy to create the power source to power your vehicle like non natural hydrogen (and ehem electricity) it isn’t green. It is fools gold.

We will know soon. Keep your fingers crossed.

Another article about white hydrogen in France.

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Great article. Keep your fingers crossed. We might have the solution to the problem. We will see soon enough.

Not only could it be a solution for mankind, our University is going to be considered THE Hydrogen University. We are on the cutting edge of this.