Lance Zerlein First NFL Mock Draft

He has Kyler Murray to Oakland at number 4;

Greg Little-OT Mississippi to Texans at 23;

Ed Oliver to the Chargers at 28.

Discuss among yourselves!

Ed was top five before the drama.

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Predictions won’t mean anything until after the combine. If ED weighs less than 280 he won’t be a top pick no matter what numbers he puts up.

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Ed’s biggest issue is his size. I believe UH had him listed at 6’3" 290lbs. I believe Ed is closer to 6’ or 6’1" and 265/270lbs. That’s the biggest knock on him now. His lack of size is making him less adaptable to different types of defenses.


Most have him going 14 to the Falcons. I still believe he should be a top 5 pick and at least a top 10.

Damnnnn. Under 280, wow!

Of the nfl interior d lineman all stars, one is 280, another is 290, the rest are all over 300.

Ed is an NFL linebacker.


I have been thinking the same thing.

Aaron Donald is listed at 6’ 284 and looks noticeably smaller than Suh on the field. Doesn’t stop him from being an NFL star. Oliver has RARE quickness for an interior d lineman. I think his size and drama will put him in the 7-15 category. No way he falls to late first. LZ is an idiot if he thinks that.


Agree and LZ is an idiot anyway. I’m sure once Ed’s numbers, minus his height and weight, at the combine come out teams will be salivating over him. However I am sure that the experts will put him as a lower pick as a “political” move for teams interested so that teams can “steal” him at a higher pick.

It’s like Bill O’Brien’s offense, it’s so brilliant, clever, and intricate, except for the fact that it isn’t. It’s someone attempting to be smart, clever, and overly thinks the process, and ultimately is completely predictable and once he faces a real team he looks like a fool/his true colors. Not sure why I brought up him and the Texans, I guess I felt it was appropriate since we are talking about the NFL and the “experts”.


LZ is not an idiot. He’s actually very good at what he does. Before creating his mock drafts, he actually talks to NFL people to get a feel for what they are looking to do in the draft. It’s more of a prediction of what he thinks NFL teams are going to do in the draft rather than who he thinks should go where. His player analysis is normally pretty spot on. He gets some wrong now and the, but he’s very sharp.

The jacket incident isn’t even a blip on the radar for NFL people. CMD did more to hurt Ed’s draft stock than Ed did.


This is where the rubber meets the road with Big Ed. He would be a monster at linebacker because he has speed and can cover and tackle. His draft position is going to depend on his attitude in the interviews and how healthy his knees are with the physicals the teams will insist upon.

LZ is a clown act if not an idiot. His claim to fame is his dad’s association and connection to people in the NFL.


Ed won’t have the cover of his coaching staff talking him up. NFL scouts will get the straight scoop. My guess is that it won’t be good. I’m not a fan of Ed Oliver at all. Dude went out like a clown instead of a legend.


Lance is correct and a great Coog. Some of you name callers are really weak.

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I would rather go later in the first round so you at least go to a good franchise. Then be a top pick and end up in Cleveland.

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Wikipedia is often wrong but it has him going to Tulane.

All of this does not matter. What matter is if Ed is 100% healthy. Anything out of the top 15 will be a major surprise for me. He is at least 6’ 1 1/2". I stood next to him at 6’. Wishing good luck to ED.

He’s a 3-4 put your hand down outside linebacker


I seem to recall that his dad coached at UH.