Living on Mars in 20 years

This is an interesting take I’ve not heard before. I enjoyed reading that :slight_smile:

Of course it assumes the magic scenario of “fusion just stops” but all other laws of physics remain the same. Still an interesting thought exercise.

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Were does all this hydrogen come from? It burns a insane amount every second and it’s been around for so long how the heck does it have any fuel left.

This was a good read. Thanks for posting.

Thanks, cool read.

whispers: he’s really only concerned about a certain subset’s birthrate. :wink:

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very cool, but I feel like that just opens up more questions. Like why does it not use up all the Hydrogen up at once? Why is there a limit to how much my hydrogen is processed at one time? Does the rate of the reaction accelerate and decelerate?

Very cool stuff. thanks

You’re completely disregarding the alien bases on the moon. This is why you’ll never be the astronomer that I am.

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I tend to agree. Much to be learned about colonizing another celestial body and learning from
an effort on the moon would be easier. It seems like a logical next step. But if the Musks’ of the
world think it’s not a necessary step and can self finance it, more power to them.

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