Meanwhile on our Southern Border

Not nearly enough to do anything about it. And most that rage about it have plenty of political reasons for doing so.

Truth is both sides want illegal immigration for different reasons. That’s why nothing really gets done.

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Literally, the border cannot be sealed. It is a fool’s errand. Put millions of troops down there, some of who will be bribed or fooled, and some people still get through. Every fence can be scaled over, tunneled under, cut through or knocked down.

E-Verify. E-Verify. E-Verify. Make that The Law. Get caught violating it, go to jail on top of fines. Businesses know they will pay fines. Put a few of these white collar execs in jail for 6 months and shout about it in the press, compliance will skyrocket. But it won’t be done. Will. Not. Be. Done.


We need to give work permits (renewable) to those here who haven’t committed theft, assault, etc. and are working or looking for work. It is an easy fix, and everybody gets 90% of what they want, except those who want to demonize illegal immigrants because it makes them feel superior or they are politicians who leverage the hate.


Mike , respectively speaking, the only way we get longterm border security is to build the wall, do national e verity with heavy employer fines and cut off all financial support to illegals. The dems don’t want or care about stopping it but they are being honest. The republicans act like they care but don’t want to touch the 3rd rail of e verify. So I believe it is political bs. I voted for trump for the wall bc once done , it can’t be taken away then try to add other measures like e verify. His own party really didn’t help him much bc they want cheap labor. So I then voted biden for Medicare for 60 and above which I now doubt happens but he did fund Obamacare. I’d like to vote republican again but it would only be for the economy and in a case where the dems want to tax inherited wealth or stocks more on the 401 side. Sad thing is we can fix the border and the public wants it but businesses want cheap labor so we’re stuck.Doing things that are changeable on the border like holding all there at the border then sending them back per the trump admin can be changed but a wall once done is set but I no longer believe the republicans will build the wall. Maybe Abbott can but will shall see.The Republicans could do a wall and have a system of allowing so many skilled people in as needed which would solve the cheap labor issue. Why won’t they do that and build the wall?

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E verify is a real solution. Could have been started 25 years ago. I rarely hear anyone bring it up. I come to the same conclusion, these politicians aren’t looking to solve that problem.


Just photo ops at the border to look good for their base

The truth is our economy needs the cheap labor, just like our economy only works if we have a large amount of poor people. Prices would skyrocket if all the undocumented workers left the country and we would have massive food shortages. Much better to get these people on work permits and on a path to permanent residency. That is money being lost out right now that the federal and state budgets could use. Then e-verify would be fine, but it seems weird to me that people who are against illegal immigrants are also against making sure businesses can’t hire them.

Real question about the wall, where is it needed right now? A couple of the places selected for the Trump wall were not even hot spots, just easy places to do it so it can be said it was done. Seems to me its not needed for most of the border. Sensors and remote monitoring make much more sense for most stretches. Then places like Big Bend, I sure as hell don’t want a wall destroying that beautiful area of Texas.


Sections of the built wall were done on federal land but yeah the real areas of concern where crossings happen are on private land and it gets much more complicated legally and financially.

I just shake me head how it went from mexico will pay for it, and it got someone elected on that, to now I hope Abbott builds it, which means Texans may have to pay for a vanity project that people will find a way over, around or under.

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Imprison a CEO, successful business owner, our various senior management see how fast folks fall in line. No weenie fines, prison and complete financial bloodlettings. Few things are better for a society than the rich and powerful held to full account.

This is true. I favor capitalism with a fairly strong safety net, but the fact is capitalism requires winners and losers. And with most Americans having access to lower middle class incomes, someone needs to hold up the bottom. For the most part, that’s being done by Central American immigrants.

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What is that saying…Drop the hammer on the firsr billionaire and the rest will comply.

A wall won’t work unless we do it like the one separating North and South Korea with minefields and towers every few hundred feet.

Why do we want to keep building a physical barrier which can be breached, costs to build, maintain, and patrol? Forever and ever and ever.


I don’t know how to stop it, nor do I know if the politicians know how either. My response was there’s politicians who care about it. Caring is one thing, stopping is another.

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I suppose you think the ones who are most vocal about it are the ones who want to do something (though I’m not sure what more we could do besides e-verify and imprison employers who hire illegal immigrants) when they are actually using the border as an issue to inflame people like you.

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But some insist that a cool wall to look at will make them feel all tucked in and safe to go nighty-night. We can have border security, but for long rural stretches a wall doesn’t make sense. The wall is a symbol, not a real obstacle to entry.


It is the go to rhetoric to appeal to a number of folks
here that believe a wall is the be all end all of immigration. They found a way to guarantee getting
their vote. Do a speech at the border. Use inflammatory rhetoric, the more extreme the better. Put the guard down there; do blockades ( then quickly back track when real economics hit) .

Bottom line - US economy benefits greatly from the cheap underground labor pool. Construction, janitorial, agriculture, lawn and garden, etc.


How do you know? You live in National City or Yuma maybe? Where do you live? ForthWorth maybe?
Is ForthWorth on the border? I did not know that.

Sam, your first mistake was supposing you know what I think.

Curious what was the second mistake. :thinking:


So you think politicians who say nothing about the border are the ones who care the most about the issue? Okay.