More Disappointing - Offense, Defense or Coaches

So many to choose…

I’m most disappointed in the coaches. Offensive playcalling is unimaginative, running up the middle with our O-Line is a 2 yard gain waiting to happen, calling long developing pass plays is getting Tune killed, unless he is able to escape for a first down. The defense has given up 35 (3 OTs), 33 (2 OTs) and 48. Too many times this season our defense has not been in a position to make a play. If the opposing teams players are gashing our defense consistently, let’s tweak the scheme and make the opposing offense make some mistakes.

The continuing number of penalties is ridiculous. Two illegal formations penalties in the same game? The team needs better focus and discipline.


For me it’s the lack of discipline in all 3 phases
A team that won 12 games last year looks like it will win 4-5 games, it’s alarming

There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be at the top of the American year in and year out. I’ve been a CDH defender, but this season screams alarm bells

Serious growing pains in big 12 next year




You said it brethren! Too many to choose from. I definitely expected more out of the offense. A very experienced qb and our offense was #3 in the nation at 1st quarter points last season. Prior to this game we scored 7 in the first half at utsa and 3 at Tech.

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Coaches, coaches, and coaches…


I think its the coaching and recruiting. to be honest we are a far less talented team than last year whose 11-1 regular season schedule was pretty weak. However, this teams discipline is god awful. 3 games with double digit penalties, poorly coached. The fight between two players on live TV within the same position group is not a good sight and you are telling me no major coach made an effort to split it apart. for the recruits who where there today. no shot they enroll to UH. absolutely atrocious game and a total collapse. this team will be lucky to finish 2 games above 500 and play in the armed forces bowl vs air force. Time to figure it before you get embarrassed by AAC schools that aren’t leaving to go P5. Might as well start looking at Coaches to weight the options you have on the table, but like most people have said on here, its hard to fire a friend.


By far…the attendance. Bush League level.


That’s going to get much worse.


When Brown and Manjack had their little moment, who else thought of Oliver and Applewhite?


This is what I’m most concerned about. It doesn’t appear like we’ve ingrained culture needed to sustain winning.

Bro were you at the game? Because otherwise you sound like an idiot. The stadium was very very packed and then the rain happened and then we sucked. Stop commenting on the attendance for the game when fans at the game can clearly say you are wrong.


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Football is a product sold to consumers. If the product is no good, people find something else.


Left out ST. We missed a critical XP.

Coaches… surprised how undisciplined this team is. They look badly coached.

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If I ever see another snap hooked kick I’m going to scream. Dana mentioned Bubba is trying to kick it too hard when he does that.

In professional sports yes more so but if your a fan, you hang in there. With college sports it’s different bc your supposed to support your team and they need it. Not showing up just hurts the team longterm in recruiting etc so if you want better longterm results , just show up. The admin takes care of whether coaches stay or not. Prof sports make tons of money but schools like UH need the support.

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The coaches simply have to do better. They should be ashamed. Team discipline is at best suspect.


I just want to know if they’re still firing coaches that go 8-4? What about 7-5?


It all starts with the coaching, they just aren’t getting the job done.