There was a thread for TV Shows so I thought I’d create one to discuss Movies that Coogfans have seen or to share news about upcoming movies.

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I watched this movie recently. Very good.


I wanted to see that at the theaters and missed it.

Definitely interests me!

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It’s honestly been so long since I’ve been to the theatre

I think the last movie I ever saw in Theatre was Openheimer, and before that it was Top Gun

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Yep have not been to the movies since Covid hit us

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Dune 2 has hit HBO…going to watch that soon

Yeah haven’t been to the movies since after covid. Dont know what that feels like anymore and streaming has made me watch movies fromt the comfort of my home more enjoyable.

The original? I went and saw Oppenheimer (fantastic movie) and before that would’ve probably been Blow with Johnny Depp.


I have been wanting to see this, I enjoyed the book very much. Incredible story. If you enjoy rowing movies, Heart of Champions with Michael Shannon was not that terrible. I was a rower extra for Anton Hedayat’s character Diver.

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Costner’s “Horizon: An American Saga” hits theaters June 28th. Looks to be the first in a series of six films. I’m a sucker for Westerns so I’ll definitely go see it.


The last movie I attended was MIDWAY.

Typically, I’ll wait until theater movies run their cycle and end up on cable television On Demand.

I’ll wait until HORIZON finds its way to On Demand.

Last movie I saw in a theatre was Roman Holiday.

True story.


Pretty remarkable if true…lol. Had to look that one up. Did a double take when I saw the release date.

Boys on boat is good. Saw the original Planet Apes with Heston which was good as an high schooler All the others were worse than terrible.

I saw Corvette Summer at the theatre….it was awesome.



However…It was on a date a couple years ago. We saw it on a ‘retro’ night.

Saw Roman Holiday at a Cinemark…looks like they need to add some!

Another fun fact…I saw Star Wars in the theater for my birthday back in the 70s. Would have missed it in the theaters if it hadn’t been such a hit and played for so long.

I average going to the movies every other week. Joined the Cinemark rewards program and have saved hundreds of dollars. It’s a good deal for anyone who goes pretty regularly. Just saw Furiosa yesterday. I’m not a big fan of the Mad Max series, but this one had great reviews. It did keep my interest throughout all two and a half hours.


The missus and I used to go to the movies at least once a month before Coronamania hit. Ever since theaters finally went back to normal, we’ve seen maybe five, two of them last summer. There just haven’t been many compelling reasons to go other than to smell the buttered popcorn.