New York Supreme Court Ruling

Oh I’m sorry, that you’re not keeping up with the thread. Did it hit close to home?

You mean like measles, rubella, mumps, etc?

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Can babies even take it? Much less be forced?

Among others.

Well, they certainly don’t have a choice, right?

Sure, buddy.

You didn’t answer either question.

Aren’t they making it for babies/children?

Children for sure. No one is forced though.

Well, children don’t have a choice. They just take it because their parents make them. Parents who overly freak out about it when thy aren’t even in the high risk category.

So we are forcing every vaccine, medicine, etc. on their kids? Parents are forcing meds on their kids. Lol

I really don’t understand what your point is. Should parents not be given the option to vaccinate their kids?

Babies and children can be forced by their localities and school districts to get all sorts of vaccines.

It helps protect them and the community.

Being opposed to that notion is STUPID.

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Even if you are low risk, vaccines provide all the protections that I described.

As I said, refusal is stupid.

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Jesus is pro vax

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That is really the key question imho. Whether talking about vaccines for deadliest and easily
spreading virus in 100 years or requiring motorcyclist to wear helmets or many other things.

We have allowed serious cracks in Texas on allowing parents to opt out on public school
vaccine requirements on religious grounds ( and maybe other reasons) ; evidence of the tragedy of
that mistake can be seen in the more rural Texas counties. How state leadership could allow this
backsliding to happen is amazing. I cannot support such foolishness any longer.

To not allow it would raise a stink on the Right. To allow it costs the Texas GOP nothing politically. Uneven Covid response? No political cost. Power grid crash? No political cost. Ban abortions without exceptions? No political cost. I’m not wringing my hands over it, just stating some truths. Generations away from changing it.

No babies can’t take it which explains UHCoog’s, and all the others like him, childishly selfish position.

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Self awareness is a beautiful thing.

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I gotta be honest. I got both rounds of the initial vaccines and 2 boosters. I got Covid 3 weeks after the 2nd booster. I know this new booster covers more variants, but I’m a little hesitant. I’m going to have my antibody levels checked before I go get this new one.