New York Supreme Court Ruling

That’s an anecdote, and I’m glad it worked out for you. Many others died. You won the genetic lottery regarding this virus. Millions of others didn’t.


Most people don’t end up there.

But as I posted, you are 17 times more likely to end up there if unvaccinated, and 20 times more likely to die.

In light of that, if anyone doesn’t get vaccinated, then they are pretty damned stupid. I don’t think that most intelligent people would enjoy playing those odds.

Query: to what extent should the law allow people to be stupid? It’s a running debate.

Hell, I had over 10 anthrax shots, two smallpox vaccines, and a slew of other jabs when I was in the military.

Vaccines don’t scare me.

What are YOU afraid of?


But enough to fill up hospitals. Or was that fake too?

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Let me guess which party you vote for. lol.

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I’ll never understand minimizing covid. 1MM+ people dead in the US and almost everyone knows at least one person that’s died (or been very sick with it at the least).

I was asymptomatic the only time I know that I had it. But that doesn’t make me think less of it. It’s a beast. If anything, the fact that some have no or light symptoms is/was part of its super power. A feature, not a bug in terms of being a virus.

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If you are old or you are not well then obviously you should. If you are healthy then you will most likely not end up in the hospital.

But you are much, MUCH less likely to be hospitalized if vaccinated than not.

As I said…in light of that…not being vaccinated is pretty stupid.

Seriously, why wouldn’t you take the vaccine. Gives us your reason.

I’ll gives ya’ll my reason. Because I’m healthy and have had it and recovered. No need.

You’re immunity from past infection is only good for 90 days, and reinfections are usually worse, studies show.

You’d be pretty foolish not to get vaccinated.

You had it before the vaccine came out?


:joy: :rofl: It’s so crazy to me that you instantly turn to politics after I described my experience. (What does that have to do this with this? :joy:) If you get the flu next week, I promise I won’t ask your political preference. I’ll just recommend Nyquil and some rest.

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COVID is a bit more deadly than the flu.

Not a good comparison.

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HOW DOES THAT EVEN MATTER??? WTF does political preference matter there?

Because the anti-COVID Vaxxer types tend to have a particular political bent.

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I just described my experience after he basically said that EVERY covid case ends up in the ER. By the way, I have left leaning friends who are over covid. Like, it exists and it should be taken seriously by elderly and those with underlying conditions but they don’t freak out about it and pull out the politics card. I bet Norb even thinks it was “racist” right? That’s another card.

First, I don’t recall Norb saying that.

Second, no one said “every” or “basically” every case ends up in the ER.

We simply pointed out that if your are vaccinated, then you are three times less likely to get it, SEVENTEEN times less likely to be hospitalized from it, AND TWENTY times less likely to die from it.

In light of those FACTS…vaccine refusal…and the politics behind it…are STUPID.

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See, I don’t believe it’s stupid. Especially for those who aren’t in the high risk category. What I do believe is stupid, is babies being forced to take it.