Run It Back - NIL Campaign ($1,000,000 Goal)

Hi All,

It looks like Landon Goesling with UH NIL is having a $1,000,000 campaign specifically for the UH Basketball team to run it back with its current players.

From Goesling himself…

“ Look- The reality is our players are being offered 2X-3X to portal/ transfer. We need to be able to take care of them at a respectable & earned level. 95% of this campaign is retention to keep OUR guys which is vital. We are lucky to have guys that WANT to be here and develop.”

I was only able to donate $50, but it goes a long way.


Thanks Mr Arceneaux.

I can think of someone who just came into 14.8M

Didn’t Kansas just spend $5 million on NIL

2X or 3X of what?

in 2019 NCAA generated 19,000 million dollars in revenue. But it’s on new donors to pay the players.

And none of this revenue is from Bowl games or College Football Playoffs as the those are outside the NCAA.


I think we are going to look back in a few years and think all of the NIL budgets looked inexpensive (relatively of course) back then (I.e. now). Much like we saw with coaching salaries over the last couple of decades.

agreed. all the NIL and transfer protocol has a lot of work to do to become “normal” or “usual”. It is quite like the NCAA (and the schools) to try to look the other way and try to keep their share of the billions of dollars that are being made on the backs of the athletes. Right now its trying to put NIL responsibility on the back of the fans.

Sorry im gonna keep editing and adding because this hits a nerve. The schools and NCAA build up a multi billion dollar industry on the basis of free labor from the athletes and never expected that the athletes would look over and notice the billions of dollars they are generating? Schools/NCAA all are acting so surprised and helpless by this situation they selfishly built and guarded.

“NIL is ruining college sports” “Transfer portal is runing college sports”

uh huh. Maybe charging fans hundred bucks a football ticket and 1 billion a year in TV revenue for the tournament while creating a special “student-athlete” legal maneuver so you wouldn’t have to pay the talent ruined college sports?

Here’s What PJ Fleck (5 million a year (where does that money come from?)) has to say

Again, his money is guaranteed through the playing of the football games. But its on the fans to keep the athletes paid. Maybe we should switch it. Pay the players and let the coaches have to beg money off the alumni and fans.


Lmao If I was the first thing I’d do is dunk a ball, but unfortunately I’m only 5’8

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We are getting near the breaking sports for sports in general. Prices and the cost of following just keeps going up and up. People have kept paying because we all enjoy it/love it, but we are getting near the point of them running people off. Die-hards will stay forever, but the casuals? Im talking about all sports, not specifically the NIL.

Im all for the players getting a cut of the billions of dollars NCAA sports brings in.

The NCAA entire business model was based on not paying their employees. Now they want the everyday Joes/Jills to pay them? I don’t see how this is sustainable long term.

Universities are gonna need to bake in employee costs into their budgets, like every other business in the world. Maybe it is a raise in tickets prices (again) maybe they need to charge $12 beer instead of $10. For UH, maybe just offer fans the chance to purchase decent Jordan brand stuff, etc…


This does not happen without Landon Gossling and LinkingCoogs coordination and leadership. Great job everyone!


5’ 8" here as well. I mean prob a true 5’ 7" at my age but my DL says 5’ 8" so going w that.

I think in the short term we are going start seeing athletic departments slowing down on capital campaigns, and wringing every dime out of their donors, and starting to encourage giving directly to the collectives, I think the facilities arms race, at least at the top of the sports is behind us. It will start looking like pro sports where adequate is ok and all the crazy bells and whistles stop.


Good insight. What will matter more to the athletes will be NIL rather than facilities

Well said, ehog. I love supporting my team through season tickets, but I personally will draw the line at giving money to collectives for a shot at keeping a kid from entering the portal or bringing a recruit in. (1) I don’t have that kind of money, but (2) even if I did, I’d rather give that money to actual charities. I’m glad there are people/businesses out there that want to pay these players to come/stay, but it’s not me.


Especially if you only plan on staying for one year.

Yeah right now its teams full of 1 year contracts and free agency every year. That has to change.

Hopefully it will get sorted in a good way, but I’m skeptical of the people with the power and the money moving things the right way. Right now they want to look for fault everywhere but in the mirror

Unfortunately, right now it’s Adapt or die

Every school is losing players. It is free agency every year. You would think that the blue bloods would initiate change but they are so full of themselves they think NIL helps them because they think they can outbid everyone else.

I should clarify that I’m not opposed to giving. This is literally the current state of affairs. I just hope that things change. To me its a bad look for people like multimillion dollar a year coaches or ADs to be throwing this back on fans and I bristle when i see that.