Sources: Cincinnati, Houston & UCF Negotiating Settlement to Join Big 12

I think our move to the Big 12 will remedy some of that……gonna be nice to have great crowds and better opponents.


He ain’t missing many meals lol Nantz is making plenty

This references the Action Network article above.
Comments are great on this one.


I know he is not a billionair but he does have a large net worth. Is Matress Mack a UH Alumn? I have seen him at games and he has given to UH in the past. Just curious. The more alumns UH have that can financially support us the better.

He attended college at the University of Texas and North Texas State University. I believe that his daughters went to UH.


Instead of one dude writing big check how about a boatload of us write smaller ones?

UH needs more donors… Not just another super rich one.


I donate what I can. Usually a few Gs a year.

If I make more I’ll donate more.

Someone want to give me a few billion so I can become a bag dropper?


This is our Achilles heel. I hate to admit it, and don’t have the answer, but we
do not produce a large number of fiercely loyal alums that are into donating.


This is the product of years of commuting students with part-time after-school jobs.


The administration stopped trying from around 1990 until they hired Briles and even then it was a rotating door of AD’s and presidents. The apathy built in the 90’s is hard to get over. Let’s say 5000 graduates a year on the conservative side. That is at least 50,000 students that are not connected to the university. These were the years where there were more Aggie and longhorn shirts on campus than UH shirts. This is done/old Robertson and 100-200 students in the stands. 100 students at basketball games. More folks in the parking lot than in the games. And these folks are in prime donating and income generating times of their lives. They are in their early 40’s to mid 50’s and they are not connected.


I think you are o restating 100 students at the basketball games.

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With the athletes included?

Also the government shutdowns and restrictions over the last 2 years will hurt donations in the future. My daughter goes to Mizzou. She just finished her sophomore year. She has been to one football game. The atmosphere on campus is just beaten up because half of the kids, freshman and sophomores missed lots of traditions.

On a total side note things like prom at the high school level are suffering. Break traditions for 2 years and it will take awhile to get back.


That was the era I went to UH and was one of the few hundred in the stands. It was a small step up the ladder when UH made the Hawaii Bowl in 2003 & the NIT in 2002 but it was a step in the right direction after Football had an 0-11 season and the Drexler era turned out to be a disappointment…Soon after UH started making more Bowl games and NIT tournaments …


That’s why Renu’s freshman mandate was so important.

It helps build LOYALTY!!!

Norbert may not like it, but that’s the reality.

Stupid Whitmire.


To be fair, the freshman mandate hasnt helped UNT or Texas State with fan support or loyalty. Of course neither of them ever win anything either.

Not “big” bucks any longer . . . . .

Agree, the student residency requirement may address some of the commuting students,
but we have way too many part-time students as well. The part-time students use UH like
a community college, work after school, and take a long time to graduate. Being older, often
with families as well, they don’t have time for the rah-rah traditional college indoctrination. End result, when they graduate they are gone.


I wouldn’t say we weed those type of students out of the UH system- i just think we should do a better job at placing those students in our satellite campuses and focus on placing the more traditional, higher ROI students, in our main campus.


Oh no, I don’t want to weed out the part-time students either. Just offering up
an opinion on why we are not flush with donors.