TDECU Stadium Renovations & Expansions

Damn! That video board!


The symmetry annoys me. Lol One side has a rectangular (staircase) and the other a square, with the video board mostly to the left of the grandstand.

Can’t wait for Dance Cam!

Was there any damage to the construction after last night’s storm that has been reported?

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Doubt that the wind did much damage to steel beam framing. Just be glad our video board wasn’t installed yet.


I just looked at Web Cam and it looks like everything is OK. I was expecting to see the sheet metal strewn around, but it was obviously secured well.


Dont give UH any ideas please, buying a cheap seat and standing in SRO is the move for budgeteers out there

I second that emotion.

There have been times the last few seasons that the most excitement I had during the game was watching the shade inch closer and closer to my seats. :joy:


Retractable roof in Warsaw, Poland. Is this feasible at TDECU?

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lol f**k no

That would require the north, south, east, and west sides to all have the same height at the top of the stands.

The older fans had a dome cover during the Astrodome years and attendance was still bad outside of the UT and A&M games.

Putting a roof on isn’t going to miraculously increase attendance lol


When is this supposed to be completed? Maybe I am wrong but dies not look like it will be done for the first game.

Scoreboard will be ready ahead of the season. The remaining portion of the project is for next summer.

It was always scheduled to be ready for the first game of the 2025 season, not this fall. It looks to be right on schedule if not ahead. With all of the weather problems we have had since construction started, I am optimistic that it may finish ahead of schedule.


Got it! Thanks!

want to pack the stands? Win. Have a little success on the field.


Remember how they measure attendance metrics.

Expansion will shaft the metric beyond measure, and there’s no money ready for it yet.

UH is NOT ready for expansion.


We have been successful albeit not consistently but it takes the fans to show up win or lose.

We can’t place blame on the administration, coaches, players, AD, etc year after year.

It doesn’t make sense that we pack Fertitta but have the football stadium look like a library.

Or vice versa when Herman was here with the fans packing TDECU and Hofheinz looking like a practice scrimmage.

I know Houston as a city is know for being bandwagons but we have to lead the way to stay dedicated during the rough times.

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We will not expand TDECU.

Our core fanbase of 15,000 needs to be at 25,000+ with 5 plus years of sellouts and a wait list.

If UCF and Cincinnati hasn’t expanded their stadiums yet with more recent success than we have, then I would rather stay at 40k capacity.


We need to a least claw back to 40k somehow