Texas unanimously approves handing Elon Musk Boca Chica State Park land


That is a terrible headline. It wasn’t all of Texas, just the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.

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Good trade for the park system and for spacex.

Why do you think it is a good trade for the park system? I’m not saying it isn’t, just wondering what your rationale is.

I mean
 In terms of my expectations of any Texas agency vs Elon this is pretty good. My expectations of Texas agencies is “Thank you Daddy Elon take whatever you want with no trade or consequences.”


TPWD gets ten times as much land in return, but not sure the value or quality of that land they’re receiving and giving up.

Well Texas is a very very business friendly state, so no surprise here.

Yes. I saw that part about the amount. But that’s all I know, I thought maybe Firstandten knew more, so I asked.

Can’t wait for the LNG plant in Brownsville to be operational. LNG tankers travelling 3 miles from the launch site.

What could go wrong?

Biggest issue is there is one road into Boca Chica beach and it goes through the space complex. Not sure what land Space X got but 477 acres is great for the wildlife.

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I’ll bet Space X doesn’t litter the beach as much as the people along that coast do. I can catch five Doritos wrappers and a mattress cover before I get one hit from a red snapper.

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I don’t know, I read they left a big mess after the first rocket launch.

This isn’t all Texas, SpaceX spreads their debris around the world.



They made the deal they would not have made it if it was not good for the park.

Really? So our government makes a deal so it must be great? Here I thought you had a reasoning beyond blind faith in the government.


You meam blind faith in Elon.

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This is valid for all countries, companies involved in space, communications. Physics elementary. What comes up must come down. There is so much junk already in space that it is now recognized.

He wasn’t showing you the junk from space (or that fell from space), but the junk left on earth. I don’t know how well Space X or any other space company cleans up after themselves on earth but they should be cleaning it up as soon as possible after a launch, in my opinion.

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There has been “space” debris crashing on earth for decades. None of it is specific to Space X.

None close to where LNG tankers will shortly ply the waters

I’m talking about the stuff that hasn’t made it out of the atmosphere that is a direct result of a launch.

Now as far as stuff that comes back through the atmosphere and doesn’t burn up on reentry, to say none is specific to Space X is a bit misleading. I would say it is not a problem exclusive to Space X and not necessarily going to be traceable to one company, country, agency, or another. So yes I would agree there, the responsibility isn’t clearly defined on that stuff. That is a different issue and not what we were talking about as far as the debris and I don’t believe that is what we saw in the posted pictures.

And my statement about the debris as a result of a launch needing to be cleaned up by Space X. That goes for any company, agency or country that launches, be it Blue Origin, Virgin, China, Russia, NASA, etc.

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