Top Gun and America

I didn’t especially like the first Top Gun.

Given that, I hadn’t planned to see this one, realistic or not.

I did…it was very entertaining !

He was one of the aviators that actually did the flying scenes, so yes he is in the credits.


Good flick! I’ve seen it twice already.

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What ! ? ! ?
Couldn’t that time have been better spent moderating ?

Thanks for the review. It’s at the Top of my list if i ever
get to my list.

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See it on the biggest loudest screen when you do.

Interesting tidbit regarding the original film. All the actors (Cruise, Edwards, etc) had an opportunity to fly with the real Naval Aviators. All but one, who was too scared…

Poor Val Kilmer shot all of his flight scenes on the ground in a simulator

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Just an interesting side tidbit. Kinda funny the ace of the aces, Iceman, didn’t
want to take a ride. I would have been tempted, but probably would’ve chickened
out as well. Some amusement park rides are all I can handle. Vomiting avoidance
instincts probably kicked in.

With all the hype of TGM, I was watching one review that recommended checking out
the Val documentary on Amazon prime. Didn’t finish it, but the guy is in really bad shape now and it gives an insight into actors and their life.

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So what? What don’t you understand?

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A theme for many successful movies is American exceptionalism. It comes in many forms. I will not drift back into the discussion of the woke agenda except to note I think it often conflicts with this. And there are powerful interests who would reject the concept that we are the best and greatest country that has ever existed. One of those interests is the Communist government of China. They exert great influence on our media especially Hollywood. I am so encouraged to see Hollywood is freeing itself from this restrictive influence.The result will be movies that are box office successes.

Access to the Chinese market is the control factor. Same with internet companies. The studios and internet platforms can walk away from those dollars anytime. FWIW, China isn’t a communist country anymore - just a brutal dictatorship manipulating markets and currency hoping to buy off their unhappy citizens. The NBA is especially compliant to wishes of China.

Then i will call these type of movies “Asleep Americanism”. The former term was white wash. Movies that make you feel good by hiding the truth. Like an America that has no minorities, gay, trans or marginalized groups. No inequality here. Everything is perfect in the greatest country Earth has ever known. It doesn’t take outside forces to shine a light at America and light shouldn’t be something we’re afraid of. I like feel good movies but also like movies that challenge my brain and expose me to new ideas. I’d rather be awake than asleep.
Too bad the Jan 6th thread was removed


That’d be spicy. I’d get banned for sure.

I’m watching the new Star Trek series now. I guess you would call it “woke.” The protagonist is a black woman, and there’s a gay relationship between the ship’s doctor and science officer. I don’t especially care for the gay relationship, but it doesn’t really bother me. I realize that it represents reality.

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Can’t you guys just enjoy a summer blockbuster movie without putting a political spin on it?


But the dinosaurs in Jurassic World Dominion don’t respect borders! Outrage! :rofl:


I liked Team America

I am trying to recall who and who did not go up in the planes during the making of the original, just so they might experience the sensation.

If given the chance I would jump at the opportunity, i might need lots of barg bags…lol

But if i recall correctly no actor is in any of the aerial footage that was used in the movie. All the actors were filmed in the simulators.

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Now that was American Excepltionalism at it’s finest… And it was indeed successful