Transfer Portal Rumors and Ruminations

If you remember, everyone was gaga over O’Korn and I kept saying that Lil Bit was the best freshman QB we had.


Does everyone just want to throw Tune aside? I think he may be our next star; or maybe it will be Holgerson. Who knows? Not me, but I’m not just assuming we don’t already have a quality QB on board – and we may have someone CDH is looking at and may get. I think Tune can be really good, maybe even great, under CDH’s tutelage.


Since Bryson is no longer playing the position, I think our next QB is not currently on the roster.

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I wouldn’t count Bryson out at QB. King played 2 1/2 years at WR before making the switch to QB.


I don’t know. It seems with our depth at WR this would be the year to put Bryson in the QB room, if ever.

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The staff thinks highly of Tune


I do too. Has a good arm and can move around. Applewhite really drove the bus over him last year, imo.


Either way, you don’t want to have one scholly QB on the roster. They’ll add another. Injuries are scary.

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I’ve been hearing the same thing

Kid from Miss State is a runner who can pass a little. I think our offense calls for a more polished passer.


This. CDH has said it. Clearly.

I am looking forward to seeing Tune in action, but if we can bring in another to compete then I am all for it.
I AM concerned about replacing the qb, top 2 RBs, potentially top 3 receivers and our entire OL

If they can fix Tune’s long windup, he’ll be a stud. Right now, he’s just a little slow on the delivery, but he’s got all the tools to be successful. I trust CDH with him.


When will we hear on the few transfer waivers we were requesting?
Seems like there were a few you had requested a waiver on the sit-out-one-year provision.

i dunno about tune…when you see him at first he kind of looks the part…but after watching him for a while, tune sort of reminds me of piland–looks the part, but lacks poise and vision…I am not sold at all on tune…someone here said the coaches like tune…in practice, I assume…because in the game he played, he did not look good…practice players are one thing, and game players are another thing…

if they tried julon williams at WR and have now moved him to RB, then I guess they tried him at QB and decided against that…which is a shame, because he was a pretty good qb at a big school with a long and distinguished history…

and that leaves us with holgersen, the son…i would not count him out…coach’s son…THE coach…I really wanna see him in action…he might be good…

still, we need another qb, and i prefer the small mobile kind like ward and king…bryson smith might fill the bill there…or…there very well might be a ward/king clone out in the rural texas sticks who rose to the top on his innate skills…and cannot get a shot at QB with the P5 schools…


We should be bringing 2 QBs in the next class to compete with Tune and Holgorsen for the job.


If Tune can be limited to action in 4 games, he could redshirt this year and that would help him greatly, developmentally.

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+1. Most likely one immediately eligible transfer or JUCO and one other.

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Which is why in the PV game I think we might consider playing Holgorsen since he is the 3rd in line unless we are willing to use the other walk on a full quarter plus. Ideally would rather not play either qb early in the season.

There are quite a few players on the current roster I can see us trying to gain back the RS on as long as we can stay relatively healthy and not lose players for the long-term.


If I remember correctly, Julon volunteered to switch to WR when he signed because he and his family thought that would be his best chance to play in the NFL. I don’t think anyone really ever considered him a college QB. But I could be misremembering. The switch to RB is a bit of a surprise to me though. Maybe that means his hands aren’t all that great.

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