UH didn't deserve the win

No run game. Absolutely non-existent offense.

Defensive line was dominant at times, but multiple chances to win the game where the defense gave up too many long yardage lapses…4th and 20 with the game on the line?.. REALLY?..

Undisciplined play, stupid penalties.

We didn’t deserve to win this game at all.


I have to agree here: We didn’t deserve to win this game, just like we didn’t deserve to win the game against UTSA.

Let’s see what the team looks like against Kansas next week. I hope all 20k - 23k fans that bought tickets show up to make the stadium attendance look somewhat decent.

Agreed. I told the wife after the 4th and 20 neither of these teams deserved a win


We should be 0-2 Belks defense sucks!!!

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Belk’s is good 95% of the time. That 5% it lets us down is a killer though.

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4th and 20……we were playing soft, don’t know what we are doing. That was the game!

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U need to ask him at coaches show why we keep banging our head against the wall to try and run up the middle and why don’t we throw the ball down the field more instead of sideline passes that don’t move the sticks! This offense has no imagination

We don’t seem to be able to protect long enough for down field plays to develop.

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When we rush 3, we eat a d___. I hope we never see that shiess again.

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So frustrated by the loss but we just played two really good teams on the road… we can still win our conference and go to NY6.


Players deserved the win. Belk did not.

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We shouldn’t have even been in OT. Let us not forget the running into the kicker in their end zone that erased 6 points!

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No way we go to a NY6. I’m an eternal optimist, but this ain’t it.

Not going to NY6

It’s still possible. Highest ranked G5 conference champion is still on the table. This was an OOC game.

Whatever team wins the sunbelt deserves to go before UH

we deserved to win, between us and texas tech… we were more deserving… they played like they wanted to lose…

self trip on 4th down, horrible pick 6 read, pick on crucial 3rd down in their territory, dropped wide open td from sunlight, 2 dropped easy picks…there qb lost all confidence by the 4th… they deserved to lose…

i felt our guys executed the system… i just dont think the system is great, especially on offense…

i get defense will get most fo the blame, like missing a game winning shot, the shooter gets blamed… but game wide the defense played good enough to win… the offense is the opposite, only good at hitting game winner, but not good most of the game… we shouldnt be in a position of constantly needing game winner … we need more points game wide… i dont love our offensive system

also ill say this now, because we are about to go on a winning streak, likely back to being ranked and NY6 consideration because our schedule is weak,. so this is the only window ill be allowed to say this… but dana is a regular 7-8 win team in the big 12… he is only a top 25 coach on schedules like last year and this year…i have a hard time seeing truly elite under him


Lets not get crazy here… the SBC had a great week but we are talking about Marshall and App St already lost a game.

Well… winning 8 games in the Big 12 is not the worse thing ever. However, I think he will do a bit better. I get frustrated too but we need to see how this plays out.

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Kansas coming to town next week! This figures to be a very competitive game!