Unis and only these

These are our iconic unis either in Red or white. Everybody love these. These should be worn every single game. In red at home and white away should be the norm. This is how you identify yourself.


I HATE how the current uniform designs ignore blue as an accent color and emphasize black to the point it is occasionally a primary color. Our best look was the Guy Lewis era unis and blue should be a bigger feature in our color scheme/uniforms.

Okay, I’m off my soapbox.


Why wear uniforms that look like they come from an illegal street corner vendor?
Did we get them from these guys?

I loved the UH unis against Cincinnati until i saw the player’s last name in black lettering in the back. The gratuitous black color raises its ugly head. I do not understand UH’s constant use of black. UH seems to prefer the “flavor of the month” than tradition.


It’s Black History month.

Show some respect.

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Red was on the road and the white ones for home.


With even Numbers at home and odd numbers on road


Agreed. Old school Coogs.

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I think when we need to use a third color, I strongly prefer gray over black, but strongly prefer black over blue. None of the three is in our brand palette, but the former two go with red much better.

I’d strongly prefer that we made do with red and white, though.

Red/White are the school colors, have been since the first. IMO every game should sport them, not try to make a “fashion” statement with other colors. Every player/coach should be proud to wear them, if not then planes, boats and trains are waiting.

I was thinking the same thing. Back in the day, the names were in red. I’m not a fan of black either, particularly all black. It should be done away with. I think I know why they do it, but still not a fan.


I didn’t even notice that the names were in black. I just enjoy the Phi Slama Jama retros an do t look for minor details to complain about. But that’s just me.


They need to make the shorts shorter as well

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Is the accent color in black or navy blue? from the Guy V era the accent blue was more of a royal blue I believe and the names on back were in red

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WTF Houston Christian!


Kinda puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?


Yes, clown pants.

I agree, really like this look. Much better than the current white single red stripe uniform.

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It’s a decent look but needs to be modernized. I dislike the curvy stripe at the bottom of the short and the Houston font looks too dated.

Do we even wear red nowadays? :thinking: