Using a Manual Transmission

When we go to fully autonomous cars will they even need a steering wheel? Pedals? Will you need a drivers license?

When we go to fully autonomous cars will they even need a steering wheel? Pedals? Will you need a drivers license?

Gotta keep that revenue stream; will have to purchase a riders license for private
vehicles. Since the drivers license is the primary form of ID today , we will probably have to continue to get our trackable unique booster ID shots as well

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May not be a DL, but an operators license…

Great grandpa- back in my day we used keymaps to navigate.

We may get voter ID cards after all…we just need self driving EV cars.

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Yeah, your getting ahead of me. I can’t think that far ahead anymore. Right now I am still enjoying gas power ICE vehicles with manuals. Electric is not a consideration. Can’t imagine self driving in my future.

Oh, you will. I already foresee a near future when my parents won’t be able to drive themselves. I imagine that the freedom they enjoy now can be extended with a self driving car.

Were you guys taught to double clutch? Synchro shift/ rev matching?

Best tips on how to teach someone to learn? I remember why I learned my dad said…a little clutch…a little gas…and early on as the car was violently shuddering all I remember is dad yelling MORE GAS…MORE CLUTCH!!!..WTF! Dad, which is it!!! Is what I thought.

A few years back I read an article that said if teaching someone to drive a manual to forget using the gas pedal. The clutch alone will move the car (not up hill at a red right in bumper to bumper traffic…lol…nightmare scenario).

The instructions were simple. In a parking lot, just engage the clutch put it in gear and release the clutch as slowly as possible. Get a feel for the engagement , hold briefly and continue to release slowly and the car will smoothly go forward.

I thought it was nuts until I tried it, it was so simple and made it easy for my kids to learn. Once they get a feel for the engagement point you add the gas for a faster launch.

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My dad’s advice was slow putting in 1 and quicker each gear up

Didn’t do a lot of double clutching but did a fair amount of shifting without the clutch. Easier on the downshift but not too hard on upshift.

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For those with paddle shifting on the steering wheel do you use it?

It is not same to me.

Have it. Never used it


I think that part of knowing how to use a manual transmission is knowing how to double clutch.

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Haven’t driven a manual without synchros so never had to double clutch. But I guess its not different than single clutch. Newer manuals have rev match on down shifting but I try to practice heel toe whenever I can. My daily has paddles and I occasionally use them in spirited driving.

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Worthless imo. Never used it on my prev veh or current one. My daughter has it on her Lexus IS250. She asked abt it, told her don’t worry about, won’t come into play. :grin::grimacing:

Paddle shifters have rev limiters and the car will shift anyway to protect the engine.

Heel toe…respect…proper technique.

Take your car out to Cars N Coffee?

Wait till you drive in the mountains, you’ll want to be able to downshift to a lower gear!


Haven’t been in a while, but try to stay active in local car clubs.

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Yes, for sure, I can see where that would help. We’ve driven to Colorado few times ( I’m a Lexus guy) never taken my Sedan, took my wife’s RX350 last time.

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You know, manual transmissions, inflation, crazy oil prices got me thinking of the worst decade I lived through. That would be the 1970’s.

There are a lot of reasons to consider it the worst decade ever. The Carter administration? Very bad but no, Nixon’s Watergate resignation? Horrible but naw. Sky high inflation? Despicable but nope.

the single, most horrible thing to occur was the introduction in 1974 of the Mustang II. The absolute worst Ford since the Edsel. Yes, there were a variety of miserable cars, Chevy Vega & Chevette to name a couple, but they didn’t replace the iconic sports car of the masses. The Mustang was the car everyone chased. Ford destroyed it. All because of high oil prices and Japanese imports.

It was a good decade for music, however, if you remove the Sex Pistols from the equation.


I guess the Bee Gees didn’t make you happy. :smiley:

To a young Coach V, the biggest musical event was the arrival of Bob Marley followed by Bruce Springsteen