We are in a recession but to some numbers do not matter. Instead they keep changing this thread's title. What does that tell you?

No I like to mop up after the body with the knife in the back has bleed out. Q1 may have
been the market low point based on GDP data; but there will be two more revisions
of the Q2 data.

I think it’s interesting to look at how other countries are managing their money supply.
They mostly all seem to be in synch, but it may be more of a case of them following
the US lead.

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The vast majority (of non poverty level people) want to be able to buy all their excessive crap and get gas/food cheap so they can buy more excessive crap. When enough lower and middle class get into a level of debt where they can’t buy excessive crap, a recession hits. Our economy is basically trying to balance getting as many people into debt to boost GDP and the stock market while not pushing them too far into debt where they stop spending and cause a recession.

That is just wrong

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An exaggeration, but it’s all about spending. We will see mass layoffs and unemployment numbers go up when spending goes down. When people shift to just focusing on the essentials, the economy is screwed.

Hyperbolic but not wrong in a sense.

All economies are just ways to distribute goods and services to people with unlimited wants and needs.

In order to increase production of goods and services we have expanded personal borrowing so they can spend even more to satisfy those wants and needs. Once they get into too much debt spending can decrease causing problems for producers and suppliers.

Its all a balancing act in the end.

“Not wrong in a sense”

Oh boy, you got me there.

I don’t want to end up being that body! Lol

We are scroomed

Who does other poster/aka nrgcoog think he is to manipulate/rewrite the heading of this thread?

Is he a mod/disguised mod?


Users who don’t break the rules and don’t get suspended are able to edit thread titles of other users. If you can follow directions for a little longer, you might get that privilege back.

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That is a lie fortworthcoog. Prove it. Don’t tell me about breaking rules. How many thousand times have you do it?

“have you do it?” No idea what that means. I proved it though, you edited it back.

forthworthcoog took the bait.

Basically what nrgcoog and forthworthcoog have demonstrated is that if they do not agree they have the ability to change a thread.

Freedom of expression?

Who acts like that?
I will let everyone chime in. No profanity please but it does explain why some posters are indeed allowed to post politically inclined responses.

Oh wait evidently forthworthcoog has access to what I am writing he is about to reply.

coogfans explain yourself.

I was trying to help you get it right when irrefutable
evidence was presented.

I guess some people you just can’t help :wink:


This is hilarious. The deep state on Coogfans is alive and well. I have 92010Coogs’ location if anybody wants it. Might shock you where he is located!


Hes trying to cover for joey.

Why would you let me know that this can be done? 92010 should and,rightfully so, call you a monster for making this info available to a ner-do-well such as myself and subject everyone to my tom foolery.

Whoa now 1985coog is taking his mask off…

Are these the same individuals that do not get suspended?
Go ahead keep going.


With great power comes great responsibility. #CoogfansDeepState

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You’re getting trolled. This won’t end as long as you keep complaining about it.

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