West Virginia

For some reason, West Virginia fans seem to be the most vocal about the 4 additions and especially UH.

CDH leaving for UH isn’t the only reason they are bitter.

Hopefully, their football and basketball program will continue to be mediocre when we enter the Big 12 and they will stay there!

I have a strong feeling the 4 additions will use the recruiting boost to jump to the top of the Big 12 soon after joining.


What’s there beef with us, besides DH?

I don’t know …maybe insecurities but they are chirping the loudest about the additions.

The Texas schools appear to have accepted we will be their equal now.

I think many see what is coming. BYU will bring it. UCF is a strong program. Cinncy is one of the oldest programs and is strong. UH will dominate once we begin keeping kids home. Period. The fear is real. But the conference will ultimately benefit.


It is all about CDH but I don’t think most of their fan base is really that passionate about and realizes it wasn’t a great fit.
They should be happy to have gotten Cincinnati.



My experience on the ground in WVU:

General response to Dana was “good riddance”… I mention I’m a Houston fan and their posture is more “He’s your problem now.” Some of it is sour grapes and some of it is cultural fit. Lots of stories of things Dana said and did that proved he wasn’t a good fit.

Enthusiasm for the new Big 12 is nil. Enthusiasm for the old Big 12 wasn’t great but I think Texas and OU were a nice consolation and now they’re gone.

I haven’t noticed particular animus towards UH in particular, but that wouldn’t surprise me for some of the same reason Dana is a good fit at UH and not at WVU. There is a pretty big culture divide. It exists with Cincinnati and UCF, too, but Cincinnati is close and Florida is important for recruiting.

My father and brother are Longhorns and come up for the UT-WVU games. Say everybody there is really nice and friendly and the impression I get is not that it’s UT and I expect the same when I make my way to Morgantown.

My impression is reinforced by the Internet, where they seem the most unenthused of the incoming schools. Maybe Kansas also. But Cincinnati fans were that way when the BE/AAC got rolling but they seemed to come around to make the best of a not-great situation. UConn fans were also that way and never lost the bad attitude. So not sure how this shakes out.


They’re feelings are hurt… They were in a conference with 2 members who have “old money” and now they have “new money” coming in… GET OUT OF THE WAY WVU… COOGS ARE COMING THROUGH!


They seem like good folk for the most part. Just don’t get caught in them backwoods. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I had 2 nephews from the DC Suburbs graduate from WVU in the last 10 years. WVU is generous with giving in state rates to neighboring states. More than 50% of the WVU students are from out of state on a consistent basis. Its a fun place in general but a few miles outside of town and its the piney woods.

A tiny % of WVU Sh-tbirds clucking on the message board actually went to WVU.
Just yokels with free time.

UH has huge location advantages (and many others) in the B12 context and it’s led to filling their Jorts on social media.
(You have to like the future of all the new incoming B12 schools vs WVU)



T-shirt fans are always the loudest… And, coincidentally, the dumbest… :grin:


Why would they be bitter about us hiring CDH when they lambasted him and said they were glad to be rid of him? Maybe those sour grapes are getting too sour.

One of the most true statements ever written on the internet.


Didn’t say it made any sense. They even have the basketball coach from one of their newest members.

I’m happy west vir is in the big 12. It will be fun playing them. The big 12 is gonna be a great conference in fb and bb.

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I like WVU in the conference and happy we now have eastern teams. I have met few WVU fans in person, but reading their forums, it seemed they had a very high expectation in their BE days. They won a lot in their history, but I am not sure how tough their schedule really was top to bottom.

Thinking they got spoiled with several teams being middle to below middle and now they have most of their schedule as middle to upper middle teams. Once they went into the Big 12 they learned that pretty much every team could beat another even though the conference does not have much star power.

Easy roadtrip for me, too

They should be happy that they are no longer on the Big 12 island with UC close and UCF a quick trip. they should probably schedule their OOC games that are nearby, plenty to choose from.


Great people in West Virginia. Some of the best in America. I guarantee you if you were there for a game and needed help or assistance they’d do whatever they could. That said, sports message boards are the PR war fields of the Internet.

(The only other place I feel that way about is Stillwater.)


WV had some really good teams under Bobby Bowden, Don Nehlen, and Rich Rodriguez and a some pretty good teams under CDH. But when they went into the B12 and the competition stepped up, they had problems recruiting to the level of the upper half of their conference rivals. OU, UT, TT, TCU, and Ok. St. would regularly out recruit them. Let’s face it, WV is a better setting for deliverance than top football recruits.