Which Coogs are coming back?

Did we say the same thing about Wilson last off-season

Better fit, bigger role

Given he entered the portal, I’m guessing it was considered.

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He’s been doing it who’s whole college career.

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My parents got on me all the time when I was younger about saying “dude” and i never got it out of my vocab so im a chronic “dude” sayer. You’d hate a conversation with me


Props to malyk for running the point in the second half of the duke game



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The dude abides

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Is the Dude THE dude or just A dude?

Just say Shead lol


Right before this quote he says the next PG is coming from the portal


Because Dunn is trying to become a professional basketball player.

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Saturday Morning Cartoons Dnd GIF by Dungeons & Dragons

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I saw the full interview about an hour, he slipped up and said something about Shead came in as a kid but he is LEAVING here a man, so I firmly believe now he is leaving


Also that a point guard is coming in from the portal.
It’s a done deal, no more wish casting necessary.

Shead needs a other year of seasoning


Wonder why he doesn’t just go ahead and announce it if it’s a done deal??

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Now it is time to wishcast for players to enter the portal. Especially Dedan but I would be fine with Wade Taylor.

That is acceptable wish casting.

Maybe the said player thats a “done deal” for us has yet to put their name in the portal

I wouldn’t really sweat about it for now tbh