Why Would We

Nor sure which Frontline episode we are talking about , but the one titled “The Virus - What Went Wrong?” is a 1 hour 24 minute video. Link to The transcript is below:

From what I’ve seen of it, my summary of it would be “we were unprepared, behind the the curve
on reacting and developing tests, unlike say South Korea which jumped on it after experiencing
MERS before” . Not sure I’ve seen in this episode that says it was from conclusively from a lab.

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Funny, they made it really hard to find.


It is not only the ccp but our own officials not stopping the gain of function research. fauci lied in front of congress to cover (still covering) for all involved.
The following video speaks volume of the type of “transparency” that the cdc and fauci have forced fed us. We will know the full truth. This is too big to be silenced forever.

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Thank you sir !

Edit: Just finished the link posted and it’s another 84
minute video. Takeaways:

  1. This episode does not delve into covid origins. Nothing about lab leak. Maybe another episode ?
  2. Provides a nice timeline of events and shows how
    China failed to act early and did not share everything
    known about virus (human to human transmission) until
    Jan 20 2020.

It’s worth a watch but keep in mind as you watch it how
all governments respond to information, failing to inform the public under the guise of not wanting to start a panic.

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Well we have the French to thank for that lab. The Chinese had no knowledge on how to build such a lab so they partnered with the French an agreed to jointly operate it. Well, after that the CPC/PLA learned how to operate it they slowly starting shutting the French out. That’s how they operate dangle the carrot once they don’t need you and have the knowledge, out the door you go.


The book, using Trump’s own words, depicts a President who has betrayed the public trust and the most fundamental responsibilities of his office. In “Rage,” Trump says the job of a president is “to keep our country safe.” But in early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.

“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward on March 19, even as he had declared a national emergency over the virus days earlier. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”


Audio available too , if you need to hear his voice.


A little about the good doctor in the Fox News interview.

Bhattacharya has been an opponent of lockdowns and mask mandates.[4][5] With Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta, he was a co-author in 2020 of the Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated letting the virus spread in lower-risk groups with the aim of herd immunity, with “focused protection” of those most at risk.

In March 2021, Bhattacharya called the COVID-19 lockdowns the “biggest public health mistake we’ve ever made” and claimed that “The harm to people is catastrophic”.[15]In May 2021, Bhattacharya was called as an expert witness for ten applicants who filed a constitutional challenge against Manitoba’s COVID-19 public health orders.[16] The judge determined that the public health restrictions did not violate charter rights, noting that Bhattacharya’s views were not supported by most scientific and medical experts.[17]

In October 2020, the World Health Organization’s Director General stated that pursuing herd immunity before vaccination would be “scientifically and ethically problematic”, and “allowing a dangerous virus that we don’t fully understand to run free is simply unethical.”[8][9]

In August 2021, Bhattacharya provided testimony in defense of Florida’s ban on mask mandates.[18] He publicly opposed COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandates, although he called the vaccines successful.[19][20] The judge ruled against the Florida ban and said that the state’s medical experts “are in a distinct minority among doctors and scientists”.[21]

In December 2021, Bhattacharya helped found the Academy for Science and Freedom with Kulldorff and Scott Atlas, a program of the private conservative liberal arts collegeHillsdale College.[22]

In a 2021 case in Tennessee, the judge described Bhattacharya’s testimony as “troubling and problematic”, noting that he had oversimplified conclusions of a study, casting doubt on his interpretation of other studies. The judge concluded, “the Court is simply unwilling to trust Dr. Bhattacharya.”

Excellent point. To this day the ccp has refused to release “follow up” data after the French scientist. Apparently they did the same thing to the Germans on another lab.
The truth is going to come out. This murderous cover up is way too big to be swept under the rug.

What there afraid of is loss of face ( since there lying to their own people and saying covid came out of the U.S. from Ft Derrick) and being sued by the countries in the International Court in Hague for damages if found libel. Which could be in the trillions. Which they will never pay in reality they’ll just ignore the ruling like the have on the the South China Sea claim they make, which is bogus.

True, and from the Frontline link provided by @coachv
I got a sense of how mad and upset the Chinese people were with their governments response. They know how the story changed over a period of 6-8 weeks. Governments , ours included, initially tried to
downplay the pandemic even when they were in possession of data that showed it was very deadly and
very transmissible human to human. And our lack of having PPE supplies in the national stock pile is unforgivable. Looking at how countries like S. Korea and Thailand jumped on it early , after having dealt with MERS earlier, is telling . China did not learn from SARS in 2002 and apparently we didn’t learn much either from afar.

You mean the cdc? Aren’t they responsible for making sure we have PPE supplies? Remember when sleazeballcuomo gave away millions of PPE just months prior to the pandemic’s start?

Wasn’t the CDC a part of the executive branch, which was headed by Trump during much of the pandemic? (Hint: Yes)

Does that not make Trump ultimately responsible for any of the failures that took place while they operated under his watch? (Hint: Yes)

You are now making Mr. Trump, your President responsible for the pandemic?

No, I’m simply stating a fact.

Trump was indeed responsible for CDC while in office.

Any failures by CDC while the POTUS was Trump were ultimately Trump’s responsibility.

He’s their boss. He’s responsible for them. They answer to him.

No one blames Trump for the pandemic.

But to the extent that the CDC failed in its pandemic response while Trump was in office, Trump is ultimately responsible.

Not sure why you can’t see or understand that.

Yes, The Wu is identified in January and Trump couldn’t produce PPE in a month. He did produce a vaccine in under a year, so there’s that. Not that 97 cares. If he can’t bash Orange Man Bad, he isn’t happy.


Hey listen.

The one thing that Trump did right regarding COVID was push for vaccine development. I PRAISE Trump for that. But it’s silly for someone to criticize the CDC under Trump given that Trump, as head of the executive branch, was in charge of it as POTUS. Any failure by CDC is ultimately the Prez’ responsibility, given that it’s part of the Executive Branch.

But even the vaccine business has been a problem because pretty much everyone I know that won’t get a vaccine……….is a Trump fan. 90210 has been a strong critic of vaccines and vaccine mandates.

Hell, Trump held one rally where he encouraged people to get vaccines, and he almost got booed off stage. That should tell you something about his base. At another rally, he mentioned that he had just gotten a booster, and there were boos again.

And you wonder why I have a problem with Trump fans. It’s because that’s how a high percentage of them are.

Now then to show you, and the rest of the world, that I don’t oppose everything that Trump did, and that I am capable of praising him, let me give you a list of things that Trump did right:

Gave the military a significant pay raise.
Fixed the VA in several respects (there was a huge scandal under Obama)
Signed the “Forever” GI Bill
Appointed some excellent USSC justices, and other federal justices
Made a hard push for COVID vaccine development
Helped finalize the defeat of ISIS in Iraq.
Passed tax cuts.
Renegotiated NAFTA.
Helped negotiate peace between Israel and two gulf states (to be honest, Israel wasn’t exactly a mortal enemy of either one, but nevertheless, no previous President did it)
Took many actions to help US energy independence
Helped American farmers
Ended Obama’s halt on deportations and began to enforce our Immigration laws again, though he went too far by separating families at the border
And at least, prior to COVID, greatly reduced unemployment, built the economy up, improved the stock market, and reduced unemployment for many minority groups

So you see. I can recognize Trump’s success.

But his failures more than offset them, and after egging on a bunch of extremist rioters with his lies about election fraud and election stealing, refusing to concede even when it was obvious that he lost, refusing to condemn QAnon and Proud Boys even when asked to, and then having to practically be forced to intervene once his followers got out of hand, it’s VERY hard to understand anyone still kissing his butt.

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You have too much time on your hands




I’m starting to think that the covid tests, especially the PCR’s that were sent to a lab, are being used to gather our dna.

Do you think Biden has been doing a better job as president? If so, how?