World cup Upset #2

Grandma (abuelita) is a badass futballer…

… But they cut the video when she did the neck stall and couldn’t stand back up! :laughing:


Shoot, she got more footskills than the entire US mens team

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Wow…Brazil goes down. And Neymar crying…ha.

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Yup Brazil is out.

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Morocco just beat Portugal.

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Damn, Brazil and Croatia played a great match. Brazil’s ball-handling is other worldly.

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Dang, Croatia getting boat raced…3-0 at the 83 min mark.

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All over. Argentina wins 3-0.

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maybe Morocco can keep the upsets coming.

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Damn you Argentina.


I liked living in Argentina but I hated their soccer team. Imagine 30 days and the nothing on sports except their soccer team.

Hundreds of guests being interviewed over and over. And everyone gushing over their analysis as if they’d found the Arc of the Covenant.

And when they lose? Oh boy!! That’s when broader culture interview gurus kick in. Everyone is interviewed, not the least of which is are the interviewers.

Then they trot out all the people that lost a family member within the last two years. “All Papi wanted was a World Cup Championship and now you’ve ruined it for him!!!”

Then the politicians take to the floor of their shouting hall and declare the country needs more money for the national team.

One day, in the not so distant future Argentina won’t have a government. It’ll just be Greece with a soccer team. And Lionel Messi will walk out on the porch of the Casa Rosada and read the new prime lending rate and give a traffic report.


New World wins the world cup…Argentina wins it…

Best final i have seen. Mbappe put a nation on his back and almost won it.


Argentina deserved it.
Couple of points:
We had four starters out starting into the WC. To even reach the semi final was to me an amazing accomishment.
France has been hit by a virus for about two weeks. It showed against England, Marocco and today.
I just wished they had been healthy getting to the semi final and final. We will never know.
Clearly physically Argentina was far superior than us for about 50 minutes. Amazing Didier Deschamps made the right changes.
Everyone can argue the first penalty or the non penalty on Kolo Muani right before the 90th minutes.
Kilyan kept his head into the game. Waiting for the right moment and marvelously combines with his mates.
We could have won it but we did not.
Penalties are cruel, very cruel to every team losing on pks.
Above all some of you that have not watched a game might now have an idea what soccer is all about.
Congratulations to my Argentinian friends and to everyone that loves soccer…FOOTBALL.


I gave you a heart for that post, Chris.

I think it’s the most cogent, thoughtful post you’ve made on this site, and for that I hearted you.

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RIP, King Pelé…


Damn. What a loss.



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