Chidozie Nwankwo - Suspended

A person can be subject to both criminal prosecution by the state, and administrative action (firing, suspension, etc) by employers, schools, etc. for the same actions.

The burdens of proof required are totally different, and the consequences way different.

You can get arrested and fired by your employer for it, and later get acquitted at trial for the crime. Your employer isn’t obliged to take you back.


Is it possible the young man might have been taking steroids to improve his muscle mass? Those things can bring about moments of rage…
i am sure he will be given psychological help, counseling and take anger management classes…After he does all these things successfully, i think he will be able to come back on the team …maybe by summer…

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His dad seems to believe it isn’t true. Only time will tell.

If he gets kicked off the team/ forced to quit school, etc. over these allegations and then goes to trial and is ultimately found not guilty or it is revealed she made this up, could he then sue her over potential loss of earnings due to him being a NFL prospect or even getting kicked out of school?

This could get messy.

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I get what you are saying and do not disagree with it in theory. However, from a program perspective, they likely do it to protect the university image and liability.

How many people do you think are upset that he was suspended?
How many people do you think would be upset if UH went on about business as if nothing has happened? (e.g. see the Baylor threads on this board)

To be safe, the university has to take action “pending investigation.” Hopefully, they had a talk with him and explained their reasons. It is not an action that says UH presumes he is guilty of the charge but UH had to take some action given the serious nature of the accusation.

That’s my take. I have seen similar actions taken by other universities for charges like this, possible DUI, possible theft, etc.


Good points David. I think the fact that there was enough evidence and he was Charged , was reason UH had in the very least suspend him for now. Let the rest play out.

He made it to the finish line and snapped.

Wow. That will leave a mark.

I suppose he might be able to sue her for defamation (someone who practices in that area should answer that one), or she could possibly be criminally prosecuted for filing a false police report, but the latter could be a tough case to make.

Not sure how he would prove damages in any defamation case, given that making the NFL is a longshot at best, and it’ll be hard to tabulate any money lost on the basis of unrealized NFL monies, though there could be other damages.

I don’t know what sorts of evidence they have in this case. Do they have photos of injuries or medical records? Statements from the Defendant or statements from the victim either to police or to attending medical personnel? Other witnesses? Photographs from the crime scene? Forensic evidence at the crime scene?

I’d love to take a look at what the state’s attorney has in the case.

He was musing about why someone snapped. I mused back maybe it was in him the whole time. Dueling musers.

Dueling musers preferred over Dueling Mausers

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With your logic…maybe we should suspend Tune just in case he has ever committed a felony

I was asking a prosecutor a question, but thanks for chiming in.

Art Briles was convicted of nothing, yet he suffered loss of job and basically being barred from holding any FBS job just by association. We don’t know what he did or didn’t do because it was all covered up by BU and their lawyers. Who knows if he alerted the BU administration about rumors he may have heard or what some girl may or may not have told him. He didn’t get his day in court, yet he was still condemned. He may be guilty of a cover up and he may not. Life isn’t always fair.


That’s what I was thinking. It also allegedly happened at 11:30 at night on a Thursday. Everyone would have heard the commotion. Those walls are paper thin. I would hope someone would have helped .

Maybe he shouldn’t have been greedy and should have declined that money Baylor threw at him to be quiet if he cared about clearing his name? Obviously he cared about money more.

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CAB wasn’t paid hush money…he was paid the buyout he was owed on his contract…He’s free to say what he want’s as well as write books! Sheeesh!

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Half of what he was owed is what I have seen. No details in the settlement so I do not know if he can comment anymore about his and the BU leadership shortcomings in this matter (both admitted contributing to the situation).

So if you were fired for sketchy reasons would you turn down the “hush” money? Briles was a scapegoat for Baylor coverups?
Where was the Waco police or the campus police for that matter.
Who in their right mind goes to the football coach on a rape charge? Seemed like a law thing to me.
Will Holgersen get in trouble if his recruit is found guilty?