Coogs land Tx Tech DB Transfer

I use unintelligent and shortsighted interchangeably. It’s a bit nicer. But to think a tier 1 research university allowed some folks to graduate without forcing the development of critical thinking skills is just sad. Shame on Tilman!!!

Starting from 2018–2021 the Bearcats have been ranked #1, 2, 1, 1 in the AAC for last 4 yrs of recruiting. That’s what will get you to the dance floor. There’s a reason why they are the #1 Football Team in AAC currently. He’s built that program the right way. I just want/need to see the Coogs in Top 3 in AAC recruiting n then u can call us non CDH believers out. But a couple transfers happen n you go look to call out poster!! Pleassee!


What the heck does Tillman have to do w this!!!
And btw most all on here know that I’m a SHSU Grad not UH grad…most all my siblings are UH Grads. I do know that I’ve been giving $$$ to UH through Season Tiks for I’m sure longer than you been born. Keep finding/looking for your intelligent words. I’ll wait.

Not only did you miss the Tilman joke because you’re so buried in your own sense of worth, you further strengthened my point in regards to critical thinking. I don’t care about how much money you’ve donated. That’s not even relevant here.

I’m not going to go back and forth with you Jess. The dude made a premature post and you and a few others want to continue to complain. That’s fine. Just don’t try to shell up when you make said post when people point out the contrary by presenting new evidence. No one, no matter how old/young, or the amount of money they gift the school, is beyond reproach. This is a message board. :expressionless:

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You keep telling jokes Sir. He didn’t make any premature post, he told the truth. The recruiting has been subpar to say the least. So can’t wait till the next portal transfer happens so u can give us a Shout. Hopefully Coogs get out of the 90s in recruiting category come February. #BeyondReproach

He told the truth if you believe recruiting services are the end-all-be-all. Plenty of us have refuted their accuracy, so your definition of “truth” is subjective. Next time you donate money to the university, attach a note and request an interview with CDH(since you’re so important); in said interview, ask him if he cares what 247 sports think when he goes out and recruits his guys. You will be shocked to find out the real “truth”.

Plus you tried to call me out by putting down your own Univ you graduated from on how they let some out w that kind of critical thinking. Your beyond reproach!! :roll_eyes:

Recruiting has been Bad, W/L record has been bad. No need say anymore. Last thg I want to do is get in front of that Man. But as long as he is HC of UH FOOTBALL, I need see better results across the board immediately.
Good day Sir!

Lol me putting down the school? I was suggesting you didn’t go to UH, not that they failed you! And I was correct.

As far as recruiting being bad, again, that’s completely subjective. I get it’s easier for some folks to understand the recruiting process best by logging on a computer and looking at a website. That’s fine. Just know the information you are parading as true, is fundamentally flawed. They don’t do the leg work. I will also remember this when one of the kids in this class turns out to be a baller…and I will come back and call you out specifically. Get used to it.


I’m out. Before I get banned. :v:

Your flawed. That 2nd paragraph you use over/over …try another one.

Real question, is there more to this other than just because he hasn’t recruited many high school guys?

So our class is only 78th, but we have 5 guys transferring in who have started and done well in the Big 12 or SEC. Throw in the extra year of eligibility for Jucos (which means they really should have been rated a little higher) and I think the class is looking good. Do hope we bring in 15 high school kids next year though.


Funny thing is that people were saying Dana was going to start recruiting more HS guys by year 3 but that’s not the case. Dana is a guy who will plug several juco’s and transfers regardless of Covid or not. He just needs to win more than 4 games. I 'll take it a step further, he hasn’t beaten 1 good team while being head coach at UH.

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Yeoman was at UH 4 years before he beat a good team.

So the point is…?

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Who are the 5 transfers? or are you counting JUCOs as transfers too?

So what would have been the best way to plug holes without transfers and JUCOs?

Tech RB, WR, CB and Mizzou WR and DE

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He had a winning record for one lol

Even won his bowl game

I didnt know you were a T-shirt fan. That explains a lot. Anyway, welcome to being a Coog fan, albeit a negative one.

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You have no idea what you’re talking about. Already explained my reasons to Smitty abt CDH and where his program is behind. Not starting convo again w you…but nice try.
T-Shirt fan— Wow!!

And I’m not a Coog fan, I’m a Coog $$ SUPPORTER and for a long time at that. Now go on w your day please.

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