Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Not sure how to take that. Were you expecting a good movie? :grin:

Let’s just say that I didn’t anticipate that the saga would in a manner anything like what it did!

Saw the original Star Wars on opening night in the Galleria in 1977.
Saw all 9 films. Saw final Star Wars Friday night. It was like a walk down memory lane.
I loved it. Entertaining as always. Surprising as always, Rey being grand daughter of Emperor Palpatine. Great closing of the 41 year story. May the Force be with you all.

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Dude, don’t give the whole thing away!!!

Anyway, I went to the first Star Wars when I was a little kid, and have seen all nine movies plus the other two semi-canonical movies in the theaters when released.

Been a great journey!

It’ll be interesting to see if they try to create a new trilogy based around Rey.

I just got drug to see “Little Women.” Frankly, they shouldn’t make movies this good, I got caught up in it… Not only that, the cinematography is brilliant. I saw an earlier version when I was a kid and loved it (Ok, June Allison was a first love), and expected to not like this one. The latest version is a really good movie. If you don’t want to go yourself (you might be surprised at how good it is), send the women in your life to the movie, they’ll thank you for it.

I want to see “Little Women” very much. GREAT ensemble cast!

I’d also like to see “Cats,” just to see if all the negative hype is true!

We went to see “Knives Out” this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it.

"[quote=“Coog1, post:64, topic:17467, full:true”]
Saw the original Star Wars on opening night in the Galleria in 1977.
Saw all 9 films. Saw final Star Wars Friday night. It was like a walk down memory lane.
I loved it. Entertaining as always. Surprising as always, Rey being grand daughter of Emperor Palpatine. Great closing of the 41 year story. May the Force be with you all.

Star Wars out GOT’d GOT.

Palpatine is also Anakin’s father making Kylo his great-son. The Skywalker were always Palpatines and still are.

I saw the original Star Wars in the OB ballroom on campus and likely had partaken in a few Buckhorns. The long scrolling backstory that opened the flick was too much for me to digest and I zoned out. I never caught up with the story and never tried again.

But to get back to the idea of the thread. We watched The Two Popes on Netfilx this week. I thought it was outstanding. Great character study with wonderful acting all around. Touching and funny as well. I don’t have any religious background but that didn’t keep me from enjoying it very much.

The Irishman was worth the 3+ hour investment. Another film that was more characters than plot. Everyone in leading roles was outstanding. Of course, I enjoyed it the first two or three times Scorsese made it as well. :wink:

Finally, a big thumbs up for A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood. Tom Hanks was perfect as Fred Rogers. I really went not knowing what to expect and anticipating a chance for a nice nap but the story was interesting, the recreations of the original show were cleverly placed as scene setters and very well done. It’s not a big screen ‘must see’ but when it rolls around on streaming services it will be well worth your time.

My wife and I saw “Little Women” today. OUTSTANDING!!!

Pitch perfect casting, a timeless story, great costumes, and high production values.

Family friendly as well!


Just saw “1917.”

I can certainly tell why it won the Golden Globe, and is now an Oscar favorite.

Definitely one for the ages!!!

Not to spoil anything, but those of you that were “Game of Thrones” fans will notice a number of familiar faces!!!

I knew the dragons would find work after GOT ended!


Zombie Ned Stark?

Saw it yesterday…enjoyed it very much. See it on the big screen. It’ll lose something on a home TV.

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The Lighthouse. Thumbs down…way down. Shot in black and white…frigging letterbox 4x3 format for artsy bull crap reasons. Get bent with that. William Defoe was unconvincing in his character…William Defoe! But hey it got great reviews…nuts.

You might enjoy this review/backstory Who Farted? An Investigation Into ‘The Lighthouse’ Sounds

Just Mercy, big thumbs up.

1917 was good. I was fascinated by the illusion of one take and feeling it was real time.

Yep, GOT folks in it.

I disagree that it is a better war movie than Saving Private Ryan. Nope SPR is the best war movie.

saw Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey. fun movie, about what I expected from DC. 3 star, don’t go in with high expectations. No where as good as Suicided Squad, which I liked and thought the musical score for it was just top notch in terms of appropriate music for scenes.

Art is subjective. I like Saving Private Ryan, but I thought it went downhill after the Normandy Beach landing scene. The best war films I have seen are Platoon, Patton, Thin Red Line, Waterloo, Gettysburg, and I’d probably put 1917 with them. Thin Red Line is more a work of art, like a visual poem that doesn’t necessarily follow Freytag’s pyramid, so some won’t like it just as I didn’t like well-reviewed avant-garde films like The Piano and The Tree of Life.