UH in Top 6 For QB Jalen Milroe


Bingo! Georgia Peaches!

WVU gets a bad rap because it’s West Virginia. Morantown is closer to Pittsburgh and DC than Penn State, which really is in the middle of Nowhereville, Pa.

basically southern cows …

how about … better seen (than) caught

okay finally … best sorry (than) committed (almost the same as above)

red80 has been watching too many war/wall street zzz movies …


Add any number of other schools including A&M and OU to that list.

Okay, got it on the BSC…I will admit that I actually did laugh out loud on this one.
And the reboot of The Crazy Hot Matrix is just one of the greatest “oldies” ever…
This is what makes our board so enjoyable!!!
Go Coogs !!!

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He had recruited several highly touted QBs at West Virginia. The national QB ranking of some of his recruits were #22 Childress in '12, #29 Crest in '14, #33 Sills in '15, and #46 Lowe in '18. But in 8 seasons at WVU, Holgorsen only won 1 FBS game with a HS QB that he recruited. It just seems very anomalous. He’s gotten good QB play so I’m not really concerned about that, it’s just been from transfers. That strategy has worked well for the Sooners, so we’ll eat 'em up with the transfers if that’s what works.

I live 200 yards from the Tompkins campus and have a son currently there, what do I have to do? :cowboy_hat_face:

Find out his path to the practice fields and stand along it with your UH gear on and a big UH flag. Don’t say anything, the visual makes it own point.

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Good news for UH. Texas is after stone the 5 star QB from Dallas. And A&M has a commit from Denton guyer QB. So if he wants to stay in state UH will be the best bet unless A&M or Texas want 2 QBs in there class.

In case he wants to be a Coog it will mean it was meant to be. I have learned not to hope too much in these decisions.

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He’s a 2021 recruit, so it will be a while before he commits.

I’m very surprised that youngsters didn’t know what BSC stood for.

One of the guys I graduated Hotel school with got hooked up with this gal from Mobile who was working at the hotel we were prepping for opening. We both were Hilton Management Trainees at the time. One of the locals had told me to stay away from her (she was incredibly hot). I asked why. He said “she loves being chased by the cops”. Sure enough she got my boy killed in a car wreck. Every one of the girls I was interested in seemed to come with a story. .


Well that turned quick…


Wow! Interesting story but hard to put a “Like” on that one, considering…


CoachV like Sexy Bad Women or Bad Sexy Chicks…lol…J/K Coach!

The reason BSC and Crazy Hot Matrix are both so funny…is that all of us have been (or will be) subjected to nutty stuff with a hot chick. Remember, the “Crazy” axis starts at 4, not zero…:smiley:

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If I had only had the Crazy Hot Matrix available before I married my first wife it would have saved me a lot ot hassle. I would have known redheads were in the danger zone – especially being a redhead myself. It should be against the law for two redheads to get married; like incest or something.


Ditto, Red…my Freshman girlfriend, crazy hot, was in Playboy the week of my first marriage to Another crazy hot…I swear.
Then two years AFTER our divorce, my ex calls me and tells me that she had just been diagnosed as BiPolar (…well, Duh…).
If only I had the video…