UH to resume workouts

Thank you for the updates!

Sorry for all the noise that we can’t seem to avoid. Any actual information about the program is always welcome by many of us.


Yes, but possibly the seasonal flu as happens every year !

Sure, the numbers are consistent every other year but somehow it’s just 2020 that it goes up by 3000

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The news you don’t hear much through the media…

  1. The only thing really increasing is the amount of test given.
  2. There are also many false positives being added to the numbers. The number is significant.
  3. The deaths from Covid are down though there are still many cases being reported as Covid that are not Covid deaths.
  4. The ICU percentages have been a media scare. From sources within the actual industry the ICU’s current capacity in the Houston area is about the same as it has been.
  5. There are good signs that the virus is weakening and the severity of the cases is lessening.

covi 7-1-20


Tom, our administration might have gone too fast at first but the same is true for most P5 schools. He/Duarte decided to single out U of H. Why come out with his comment? You and I do not know the details. I 100% agree with you that we had pissed poor administrations leaders that wanted to do away with our football. Mrs. Khator and Fertitta are the exact opposite.
Duarte has/had ulterior motives for his hit pieces. We asked asked him to come clean and explain the P5 comment. He is nowhere to be found,We are still waiting. How is that for being fair and honest with your reporting? He calls himself a U of H beat writer? That goes both ways.


Keep track of the dates.
The following is from the CDC. This article is dated 1/4/2020

Side note:
In 2017-2018
61,000 deaths were related to the flu

Four paragraphs from Frequently asked questions:

Remember the " CNN reports that Fauci says the 2019-2020 flu season is on track to be as severe as the 2017-2018 season, which was the deadliest in at least a decade.

Did the flue mysteriously disappear?
Time and time again the CDC has been wrong and misleading. This is a fact and it has nothing to do with a political affiliation.
Every single week and almost on a daily basis we find out that the CDC numbers reported are wrong. It makes for huge headlines and everybody is panicking. How can this even happen? I can understand a couple of mistakes but why so many? Why so many by our so called experts?
Don’t come back with CNN or MSNBC and FOX too said this or that. Since the pandemic started it has been one controversy after the other.

  1. Wrong, percentage of tests coming back positive are up.
  2. Somewhat right, but they go both ways so it isn’t doing what you are thinking.
  3. Way wrong about Covid deaths. Excess deaths this year are something like 160k. Pneumonia is either having its deadliest year in the history of the world or Covid deaths are missing.
  4. Wrong, Houston area hit capacity and went into surge capacity. Not to an alarming area yet since Houston has one of the strongest hospital systems, but something to worry about for sure if increases continue.
  5. This may be true and I hope it is. More likely it could be that people’s immune systems are stronger in the summer and younger people are getting infected so it only appears weaker.

Looks like that was a preliminary in season estimate and another will be done later. I know they change those estimates sometimes.

They are still tracking the flu. They base their estimates (and that’s all the flu death calculation is) on the info still being tracked below.

The virus is becoming less deadly. However that’s in part due to how social distancing has changed the way the virus behaves. Like the common the cold, these viruses typically prioritize infectiousness over virulence because they depend on host to host contact in order to transmit the newly replicated viruses and achieve evolutionarysuccess. If a host becomes so sick that they stay at home then those new viruses simply die off. New York in March was a perfect storm. It was a highly densely populated location that allowed the virus to overwhelm its hosts while still being able to pass on to new hosts. Social distancing has given the disease less opportunities to pass from host to host as public space has become more sparsely populated. So in order for it to still pass from host to host its mutated to become less deadly and more infectious. That’s why we’ve seen more asymptomatic cases and an increase in infection rates, while simultaneously seeing a continued drop in the date rate. The fear is that if we lax up too much on the social distancing and return back to business as usual the disease will reverse its course increasing its virulence as it becomes easier to pass from host to host.

Hope that is true. It is possible over time the less lethal strain of this virus will spread faster than the more lethal strain…but I think in Texas we are about to see a spike in death rates. Hopefully after that spike we will see a decrease…but this issue is becoming too political now and I don’t see a near future where we will be able to stop the continuing spread.

Nothing I stated was incorrect fortworth but by all means keep posting your agendas.


I like KFDs post. Just the facts.


Just the facts are great – if you can trust the source. I’m to the point where I am leery of all news media and government officials.


futhermore (This is the state of Texas, not national and not Houston only)

Just for clarification purposes, why did you pick the highest possible death rate?

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because it was the highest possible death rate


to illustrate what it would look like at current positive rates


How do we know it has mutated? Not trying to be a jerk. Would honestly like to know.

What is my agenda? Correcting “facts”? I used numbers from our state government and from a branch of the president’s administration. Guess I have a conservative agenda.


There was an interview with the CEO’s of the three big hispital systems in houston (Methodist, chi/st. Luke’s, and memorial Hermann). They backed up what RW said about icu capacity-said they keep capacity at around 90-95% at all times-the Methodist ceo said they lose money when capacity is less than that. The Methodist ceo picked the exact same day in late June of 2019 (the same day as the interview) and the icu percentage was exactly the same at around 95%. He further said they have up to about 5,000 non icu beds that they can quickly convert to icu beds to add capacity if needed.

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