Asking for decorum

Hey Coogfans…

This is a tense time for our program. We are getting swamped with post flaggings, complaints, and we are having to edit and delete posts at a record level.

There are lots of good arguments to be made across several topics. Regardless of the tension, the rules and guidelines are still in place. Basically:

  1. You can’t insult a player. You can talk about their actions but you can’t call current players names. Even Ed.

  2. Don’t insult each other. Please resist this impulse even if you disagree. This is a community not a bar room.

  3. Flag posts you think need attention however we ask all folks to show some restraint in what you post.

Thanks for keeping Coogfans awesome.


I agree with you 100% but you gave me the opportunity to post one of my all time favorite movie scenes. Coogfans, we’re as friendly as your neighborhood barber shop!

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Agreed. Not asking a lot. civility with the fun banter.

You know, this last summer, I swear that I was just about the only guy posting that we had a chance in hell at a NY6…
Well, we had a run of bad luck and really unfortunate injuries…oh well…
And we might just pull it off if Memphis wins tonight…however…
It would be great if we could all remember that we are all loyal Cougars, otherwise we wouldn’t care so much. But jeez, have a little respect for one another, the coaching staff, and the players.
Go Coogs !!!


Well quartz is the new granite and everyone likes these boring gray colors now and white cabinets. Seems to change every week these days.

You all are my people.

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i notice you mention you can’t insult players or each other. For some reason you omitted coaches. How about coaches? I really see red when people insult our coaching staff.

It is easy to arm chair quarterback the coaches and talk about their actions focusing in on the bad ones but it isn’t very helpful in the long run.

Perhaps we should all band together, insult or talk bad about no one and everyone go to the game and support the Cougars, win or lose.


Coaches are fair game within reason. They make millions of dollars and are employees; student-athletes do not.


Seriously? They deserve less because they are paid? I think human dignity should be universal and equally applied.

I really don’t like to single one group out just because of their financial or authority position.

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I guess there was a benefit to being banned for 2 weeks! Evidently there were other posters that expressed frustration. Who knew??

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We are not saying it can be a free-for-all all out attack on the coaches. We are saying there is more leeway for criticizing the coaches because a) they are adults who are well paid, and b) they are being paid to do a job. c) Many coaches are in it as a profession and are not loyal to the school.

Not all the athletes on the team re on scholarship. A scholarship is not a salary. Most will never have a pro career and most play out of love of the game and loyalty to the school. And these are young adults.

Folks who have played college sports will tell you it’s all consuming. Out of respect for their efforts we don’t allow fierce criticism of them.

You may not agree and that’s fine, but that’s the rationale.


criticism is fine i suppose if we must cast stones. Criticism should not include name calling or character assassination. Other than that, no problem. Saying the D coach called a bad game is accurate when the other team runs over us although who is to say if it was the players who failed to execute?. Saying the QB played a bad game because he threw 3 interceptions might be fair and even more accurate. I am sure he was coached not to throw interceptions.

I just object to the term “fair game” when applied to coaches or any group. That suggests anything goes when discussing coaches. If the rules of this board set by the moderators suggest we must give the players a pass but consider the coaches fair game using whatever rationale supports that then the administration of this board is biased.

Banned for two weeks? What do you have to do to get banned for two weeks? I didn’t read that in the guidelines as punishment.

Guess I should lose my badge for “read guidelines” because my attention to detail was lacking.

You missed the words I said right after “fair game” which was “within reason.” Obviously, “within reason” is subective and can’t really be quantified until we see what is posted. Calling for a coach to be fired is within reason in my mind, calling coach’s names starts to toe that line, and calling out a coach’s family is well over the line. Again, as @Coogfans2ndAdmin pointed out, if you have an issue with a post, flag it and we will check it out. Sometimes, we will let things go a bit until someone flags it as we are trying to see exactly where we need to set boundaries for the community.

And @Bear1132017 was purposely being antagonistic towards other posters and admin on this board during the SMU game thread, was warned to stop, and didn’t. He received a suspension for it.

Here’s the thing…this is a free board run by volunteers that make no money off it. This board makes just enough money to stay operable and any extra goes towards the University of Houston. This is not a for-profit board like almost all other University of Houston boards are. If you don’t like how it’s run, there are other options, however, we’d love to have you here, along with everyone else.


Thanks for the clarification. No, I didn’t miss the wording “within reason”. I was just trying to understand what that meant as it could lead to speculation. As I mentioned saying a coach called a bad game is an opinion. Understandable. Giving them an insulting monicker is not an opinion, it is name calling and insulting. Would one call him that to his face?

I see the name Coach No D used often and yet no admonishment for doing so. That is the confusion for me. Criticism of performance yes, labeling not so much


Understandable, the No D thing does grate on me a bit as well. I’ll keep an eye on it and start clamping down on it.

Thanks for the conversation, we do try to make the board better for everyone and are willing to take suggestions.


I didn’t receive the evidence I requested related to “being antagonistic” but you make the rules. Go Coogs!

You never requested it from me. Here’s the thread for the game, evidence is in there:

And since, I’m sure, you’ll make some comment about needing specifics, here were your posts during that game thread:

You were obviously trolling, I warned you to stop before the last post and yet you continued with that last post. Considering the comment that you made, you knew you were trolling. That’s not acceptable here.

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