Donovan Mutin status - amongst other topics

Harvard has almost twice as many whites, some 40%, as the closest racial group, Asians at 21%.
The student body is 51% male and 49% female.

It will be great to have Mutin back as long as he has the OK from the doctors. We will need somebody out there to ruin Ridder’s day.

The greatest hoax in history is white men playing the victim card :rofl:


Yes, it was that hard, because I wasn’t aware that Ivy Leagues lowered their standards for athletes. I thought they were above that.

They don’t lower their standards for athletes. But all else being equal (and with a 5% acceptance rate, there are a LOT of viable candidates in the pool), the athlete gets an extra nudge.


Lowered Standards is a relative measure here. At our level, our coaches always had one or two “Partial Qualifiers” that they would try to get in with Administration permission. Those kids might not test well, but had the smarts to stay in school, and hopefully graduate

Ivys might have lowered the standard from a 1400 SAT to a paltry (:smiley:) 1300 SAT

Make no mistake. These kids are WAY smart.
If you get in, trust me, you are smart

in the US it is 56% female to 44% male

That’s overall college numbers, and that’s more about choice than anything like affirmative action.

True, not really victims other than everyone attempting to grab their wealth and redistribute it.


56/44 is a lot more than just choice, it’s systemic.

Except for the legacy and donor acceptances. There was recently an article about it. But those folks are ess4entially paying for all the smart ones to go to school.

No, it’s pretty much choice. Males simply don’t seem as motivated as females and often find employment that doesn’t require a college degree.

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I thought this question was settled long ago by the finding that girls go to Mars to get more candy bars, while boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.


So males get a boost at Ivies and females get a boost at MIT (also 50/50)?

Everyone has a hard time getting into an Ivy undergrad. Without a hook, you need 1550+ SAT, statewide awards, great leadership, top grades and rigor, etc.

Glad that Mutin is also a smarty. Looking forward to him laying the wood on Saturday afternoon.


No the biggest hoax is anyone playing the victim card in 2021


I’m white and worked my way through night school. I have worked for everything I have ever had, working 50-60 hour weeks, or 84 hour weeks on the north slope of Alaska, 6 day weeks in Saudi Arabia, being away from my family and missing out on a lot of things while my friends were partying. I don’t know how privileged that is, but no one has given me anything. I got what I got on work to prepare myself for the jobs I had. No one put me through school. No scholarships. No affirmative action. Just hard work.

I bet there are a whole lot more like me on this board – of every ethnicity. Yeah, there’s a lot of people born into privilege, but they are in a small minority, they go to schools like SMU or USC and other private universities that look down on blue collar schools like UH. Most people just have to grind away to make a decent living.


What’s that got to do with being white? Just asking. I must be missing something.

Mike I agree with you. I was raised by a single working mother. My father was in prison. I grew up in one of the poorest and toughest neighborhoods on the ship channel. I worked my way through U of H. Success doesn’t come easy for people like us. You have to want it, work for it, sacrifice for it. One of the sad thing today is we have some who want to excuse failure. Blame it on race, ethnicity or sex. For everyone that falls into one of those categories I can show examples of very successful men and women, who by the way are graduates of our university, who overcame the hardships you and I did.



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You worked in Saudi? How many minority co-workers did you have? That was a high paying job back in the day.