Exceeding Expectations 2021

If we were playing in the pros I would agree. Unfortunately in College Football style points matter, especially for rankings.


I suppose it depends on who you beat by a point in NCAA. Beating Tulsa probably doesn’t move the needle but we will be playing B12 teams and hopefully NY6 or CFP teams at some point in the future. 1 point will be fine and we don’t have to play a schedule full of Tulsa level teams after 2022

Did you read the rest of my post?

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This season certainly exceeded my expectations. Looking forward to 2022.

im still waiting for you to respond and reveal if it was your own imagination that decided we would score 50+ per game or you were “lead” to believe it by some evil deceiver like CDH or TBD. If it was the fact we were going to the B12 so we should score 50 as you suggested then that is lame. Keenum history? Lame. QB whisperer? Lame.
It appears it was your own expectation you created all by yourself. No?

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Is this your deal? You are such a troll
. All you do is get on Coogfans to stir up trouble and act like a jerk


Well my expectations are vastly superior to yours so that’s all that matters.

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LOL!! You are so nice to say so. Am I your new best friend now? I seem to be getting a lot of posts from you.

So then that is a “yes, the person that lead me to believe we will score 50+ per game was me”.

Thanks for the clarification. Sure you can have unrealistic expectations all you want. Just remember if they dont come true it wasn’t anyone with the UH program that disappointed you, it was you.So thanks for sharing that you disappointed yourself. Im sure some on here were interested.

You sure like to make up quotes that people never said. Hey look at that, you did the same thing you claim people did.


yep, Love it. Here is a whole conversation for you.

Me: Some had expectations that we should win by 50 points
You: I was lead to believe that!
Me: By who?
You: By me of course. I have high expectations that are superior to yours
Me: So your expectations weren’t met because they were unrealistically set by you?
You: Hey I never said that. you are making stuff up
Me: sigh, some of todays youth :grimacing:

Those are made up words. You don’t work in politics do you?

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It was a summation. No quote marks. I would call it “artistic license” actually.

No one “works” in politics. Im surprised you didnt know that

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But by your standards, unless it was told to you, it’s just your made up opinion. Please use direct quotes from now on. Lest you undermine your own credibility. Or was that too late?

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Dont tell me there are made up opinions on this board!!! Sparky, 95% of the posts on here are opinions based on data acquired somewhere.

I was just asking where you got the data that YOU were led to believe we were supposed to score 50 a game.

You mentioned because Keenum did, you mentioned a QB whisperer and you mentioned B12 offense and maybe something else, who cares
 None of that “data” means CDH intended to score 50 points per game. So that didnt meet your expectations. Great, you have something to complain about. Im not surprised one bit.

Now if you were paying attention this season you would have noticed CDH is focused on defense and clock management. Not scoring 50 while the opponents scored 49. Although we were close a few times and did score 54 on South Florida which must have thrilled you, my expectations were to win games. I wasn’t disappointed.

Is every popular post going to be like this now?

Let us know so those who want to actually talk UH sports and not repeatedly piss & moan over trivial things can stop wasting our time here.

How is Sellers board? I need a change.


This thread reminds me of a joke told by Warren Buffett. Some may not get the parallel I see.
An oil prospector who meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.
When told his occupation, St. Peter said, “Oh, I’m really sorry. You seem to meet all the tests to get into heaven. But we’ve got a terrible problem. See that pen over there? That’s where we keep the oil prospectors waiting to get into heaven. And it’s filled—we haven’t got room for even one more.”
The oil prospector thought for a minute and said, “Would you mind if I just said four words to those folks?”
“I can’t see any harm in that,” said St. Pete.
So the old-timer cupped his hands and yelled out, “Oil discovered in hell!” Immediately, the oil prospectors wrenched the lock off the door of the pen and out they flew, flapping their wings as hard as they could for the lower regions.
“You know, that’s a pretty good trick,” St. Pete said. “Move in. The place is yours. You’ve got plenty of room.”
The old fellow scratched his head and said, “No. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go along with the rest of ’em. There may be some truth to that rumor after all.”



Sorry, you must be told everything exactly. No interpretation or innuendo? lol.

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