Football Operations Building

What is wrong with the building that they need to tear it down?

I want the hangar back. Looong nights studying in that thing.


I guess they want a better designed building. The building really was not the best architectural smart designed buildings. The bathrooms on the first floor have to exit the building to get too. Plus it is has always been an eyesore in the middle of the Art Deco legacy buildings.



If I am remembering correctly, the education building was old when I started UH in 1989.


I think RK is creating a long open mall (100 yr anniversary ) from the Zeke bldg to Cullen Blvd. Education bldg is in the way. She said something to this affect a while back.
Go Coogs Beat Ucon !


Do you mean the old “Y” bldg ? If so I and my fellow Engineers spent many a moon in there studying and research.
“Y” was a WWII bldg that was used to build tanks !
Go Coogs !


That is great info about the tanks!

That bit of history was told to me during Freshman orientation . There is a lot of history surrounding those old buildings. Love it !

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If they close down Cullen through the campus then that mall would stretch all the way to the stadium. We would then have a main entrance which we dont seem to have right now. The current main entrance is somewhat lame. The Cullen entrance would be from I45 to Elgin with Cullen closed to traffic at Elgin and Wheeler on the other end.

Thats my master plan anyway.

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Sounds like some things that were said a while back by the admin .
Go Coogs !

I didnt hear about any plans but it just makes so much sense to do that. Having a main 4 lane street cut through a university campus makes no sense

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Well, that was back in the day when we were a commuter school. We are going to get those
freshmen to live on campus if we have to tear up every major street to do it.

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Back in the day there was nothing on the other side of Cullen other than the Rob and Hofheinz. Cullen was a border street for the campus.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of – that alone justifies the demolition. and it does look out of place within it’s surroundings, but since UH is a hodge podge mixture of architectural design, I’ve grown accustom to such.

well played lol

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I read this several times wondering why the bathrooms had to exit and where they were going too (also). I finally decided that what was meant was, If you want to use a ground floor bathroom, you have to exit the building and enter the bathroom from outside.

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I think it is more than that. The building was not built the best when it comes to utilizing space in it for classrooms. The circular shape of it limits classroom size. Plus UH has a high population of students going for their degrees in education so the building is just not designed well for the capacity the University needs.

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It is older than that. My dad graduated from UH in 79 as a History teacher and took many classes in that building. It is ugly 70s poor architecture at its finest.

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The Education Building is more than 50 years old.

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