Nichelle Nichols and Bill Russel

Given that Israel is the only FREE (according to Freedom House), liberal pro-gay, Western style parliamentary democracy in the Middle East, I would say that any American that doesn’t favor Israel over the Jihadi terrorist led (Hamas), anti-gay non-free Palestinian authority is probably betraying his/her American values.

Your point about displacement is taken, but consider this.

Every Native American that I have ever met considers him/her/their self to be a proud American, and nothing else/nothing less. They would certainly answer any question about that in the affirmative, if asked.

I am not sure that if Arabs living in Israel were asked that same question with respect to Israel that you’d get the same type of answer. Israeli Druze and Bedouins might answer affirmatively, but many would not, and would tell you that all that land is theirs and that the Jews should get out. Given that, bad analogy.

There are huge countries of Arabs out there. Jews are entitled to their relatively far smaller space as well.

I’m not arguing against Israel. I’m pro-Israel. I’m saying we can’t say what 92010 said (without being hypocritical) and it’s not a bad analogy. Your anecdotal experience doesn’t prove anything and even if it did, it doesn’t prove this to be a bad analogy.

That said, I’m not going back and forth with you on this one for a few dozen posts. We can agree to disagree.

I work with alot of people from Israel, when Orange man won in 2016 they were very happy to get rid of his predecessor who was no friend of Israel.

Israel is one issue on which Trump and I agreed.

The retort that “Israel has the right to exist” to the stance that “Israel shouldn’t oppress its own citizens” is like replying “state’s rights” to “America should abolish slavery” and “End Jim Crow”.

It is entirely consistent to support Israel as an independent state while also denouncing their oppression of Arab Israelis and their current/recent aggressive annexation(s) resulting in massive displacement of Palestinians.

“End oppression” ≠ “Israel doesn’t have a right to exist”.


The palestinians don’t want peace.

I hear similar stuff from Pat Buchanan on Israel.

Enough said.

What exactly is your argument here? Because Pat Buchanan said “end oppression” that means what exactly? How is that relevant in any way?

Seems like an awfully broad and unfounded statement but that justifies human rights abuses in your mind? Not the best logic there.

I am just saying that he says similar things about Israel.


Maybe that will make you reconsider them.

Law, your logic is not making sense.

It is possible to seperate talking or being critical of the government/policies from its people.

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Israel commits human rights abuses, yes? They should stop committing them, yes? It’s very simple.

If you want to support their regime of oppression and human rights abuses then just say that. It wouldn’t be surprising to me at all. Don’t hide behind Pat Buchanan. No need to be timid and yellow-bellied about this. What Pat Buchanan says is entirely irrelevant to the question of Israel’s own actions in regards to Arab Israelis and Palestinians.

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It makes sense in a couple of conditions. Either he… 1 - supports the oppression of Arab Israelis and treatment of Palestinians OR 2 - doesn’t believe that Israel oppresses Arab Israelis.

whispers** It’s number 2. He thinks the claim that Israel oppresses Arab Israelis is “bogus, stupid and ignorant” And we were regaled earlier this week about how he was soooo shocked by a buddy being a Holocaust denier. :roll_eyes:

I think that Israel commits few such abuses, and that the Palestinian authority and their Hamas terror leadership commit far more.

It’s not difficult to choose sides there.

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What gets lost in all of this is that arabs that reside in Israel have more rights and privileges than Arabs that reside outside of Israel.

Last time I checked the amount of Palestinian lives lost throughout the entirety of the conflict dwarf the amount of Israeli lives lost. “It’s not difficult to choose sides there”. /s

But it’s not about picking sides. It’s about understanding that the only path forward is through peace with equitable respect and dignity. That’s the fundamental premise in a 2-State Solution. Picking sides in this conflict fundamentally means you do not respect or even acknowledge the humanity of the other side and the inherent dignity that should be afforded to them.


Not according to Chris and China.


Is the intimation that they then should be happy and grateful to be second class citizens in their own country, Israel?

Right?! All the bluster and smoke on behalf of the Uighurs, Tibetans and Taiwanese (and rightfully so) but all the hem-hawing and mental gymnastics when it comes to Palestinians.

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Any criticism of the Israeli government is immediately branded anti-Semitic.