Women - just one man’s opinion

That didn’t really address what I said.

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A homemaker may or may not have children.

My wife didn’t during her three years staying at home.

Still an important role.

Not contingent on having kids necessarily.

Can you be a homemaker without being married or having children?

I mean, everyone can do whatever they want at the end of the day, it’s a free country. That being said, I don’t understand why a “homemaker” in this context is automatically assumed to be a woman

However, I am not naive to both old and new cultural norms. A stay-at-home male would be judged very harshly compared to a stay-at-home female especially if neither have children together.

The institution of Marriage itself is still very conservative even in the way of progressivism (father hands off daughter to groom, or the groom to-be asking father permission to marry daughter)

I don’t see why not, but I think it depends on context

Does the homemaker have to be a woman

I guess you could be unmarried and be a homemaker. Let me rephrase, can you live alone and be a homemaker?

And yes a guy can be a homemaker.

Except that it did.

That guy would never argue that the role of a nun or sister isn’t an important one as well.

No Catholic would.

Again…since it didn’t sink in the first time…the guy didn’t say that role of homemaker was either a necessary role for a woman, nor that a woman is a failure or not a woman if they don’t perform that role, nor that it was the only important role that a woman might have, nor that it was necessarily the most important role that a woman might have.

People (including all his critics here) need to avoid reading more into his statement than just what’s there.

When you stick to that, there isn’t much to criticize.

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They do not. It depends on how the trust agreement is written. Some are more specific than others on what the funds can be used for and how much someone can withdraw in a year, etc.

Saying what I guy probably would say isn’t addressing anything.

You’re really dug into defending this guy.

I know what he said. Now read what I said since that’s not sinking in.

And you need to consider there may be an issue here.

I’ve softened my tone since you and others have added context. You just dig in.

The nuns of the church complain and you tell them they are wrong because of what this guy probably would say.

He stepped into it with what he said. Women are offended and I can see why.

I see what he said and get it. But I can see why some wouldn’t like it. See nuns.


Can a women on welfare with 3 kids, unemployed, be a homemaker?

Or is that taxpayer funded-homemaking

Sure but no reason to go there.


That wasn’t intended to be funny.


Well, it’s not.

But I think it is fair to say that that is a role that a woman is more likely to play or even embrace than a man.

Nothing wrong with people of any gender playing or embracing the role.

And for any person that does, it is, as he says, ONE OF their most important roles.

It is funny because this topic in any setting is almost alway paradox

Homemaking has historically and still is today a gender-based cultural norm (in concept, not commonality) as is marriage (which is both concept and common)

Ultimately, men telling women whether it’s acceptable to be a homemaker or a career-women, or telling women that they they shouldn’t be limited to being a homemaker is still an institutional attempt to control women either way

Edit: paradox not hyperbole my bad


Why are you overlooking what the actual nuns who run Benedictine College said on the matter? Are you going to say they are wrong?

In their words he fostered division by saying they had concerns with his point that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman.

He didnt say it was one of the most important, it was the highest vocation for a woman.


The nuns disagree with you. I see their point.

But you don’t have to agree. I’ve said my thoughts.


This guy is a kicker

Who gives a s**t

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