Running is literally the least taxing thing on an offense. They can run the clock down to 3 seconds, snap it and pick up yards each time until a first down is reached. Rinse and repeat. Wazzu scoring quickly would turn them into the Briles-Dorito combo. We seriously saw this all last year. Offense scores quick but defense gets ran over and gassed. Offense goes three and out then defense gets ran over and gassed. It’s a dicey place to be.

What are you trying to say then? Don’t show up? It’s either slow it down to help the D or go for a track meet and hope to out score them. If you have some secret method to win this game, perhaps email the coaches.

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I may be exaggerating a little but not really when I say, with what we have seen defensive back wise, why wouldn’t they score almost every time if they hit us with a pass heavy west coast o?

I completely understand your point and that’s why I stated what good would it do to run the clock down if we can’t stop a quick score? The game would be close and would come down to the final seconds in which UH would either have to score quickly or not allow a score in a small amount of time - that’s exactly what happened to ut this weekend vs. lsu, it happens all the time. I understand your point but this team needs to be proactive about that weakness either through coaching or personnel, something’s gotta give, they can’t play around a glaring weakness like a poor defensive backfield…idk I just saw a lot of big mistakes Saturday that would have been capitalized on had they been playing a better team

We will eventually stop them. Leach and company aren’t without flaw or mistakes. Let’s also remember we’re their first real opponent. We have the element of surprise as well. I dont think we will stop them much but we could stop them enough. Run the ball and dominate the clock. Theres our shot and I think CDH is going to do that.

I made a comment about the db’s vs pv. This is significant because pv is not nearly as good as the rest of our schedule. There were replies that seemed to sweep the issue under the rug. I said they need to address this because I don’t believe anyone except wsu fans want to see UH blown out on friday…“email the coaches”…no need to get like that :neutral_face:

Y’all don’t think we’re keeping the good defense under wraps for a bigger game?

Yeah, me neither.

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We will see…that is definitely the way to go as far as offense goes…defense though? idk, sorry i’m a big believer in defense…we’ll see. I DO think UH can beat them but some changes need to occur fast of defense

Havent you heard? The offense is our defense! :joy::joy:


ok, so they need to bring him back asap

…oh no… :flushed:

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All these experts are saving me a trip: no need to go watch the game. What the heck do the coaches know? They don’t post on the internet!:joy:

Legit question: is the NRG field still small square yards of real grass?

No. It’s artificial surface now.

But our DB who actually DID get an INT is healthy. Next man up!

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I really don’t think we were holding anything back for this game. I really think we genuinely need a lot of work to be good after our last coaching staff. However I do feel CDH is the man to get us there I just feel it will take him most of the season to get these guys to gel.


I bet you’ll see some things you haven’t seen yet from the offense

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Did you watch the Texans last night? That was an example of what you have to do to have a shot of winning the game. A poor secondary vs a lethal passing attack. The remedy? Run the ball and control the clock!

And don’t leave the other guy 37 seconds at the end of the game!

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37 seconds is lifetime in college football with the clock stopping with first downs. I really hope this doesn’t happen. :sweat:

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Does this include the ones bought up by re-sellers?